Chapter Fifty Two- The Raging Tyrant

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(Amy's POV)

[Moments before the previous chapter]

I've been locked up for about 3 days...

The Master wasn't so happy that I got rid of Sonic..

His punishment was more rewarding than brutal but, I think he had pity for me.

I was chained to the floor, where I was chained for ascension that fateful day; in front of the Master Emerald.

Now, you would say that this isn't punishment.. oh but it is..

It's searing power rushing in and out of you, it's bright glow, burning your eyes out even when they are shut.

But, that doesn't mean I can't absorb some of its Energy.

Gah!..If only I could reach it-

"Vessel Rose... hands off the Emerald for now.." a dark voice echoes behind me.

A weak grip is attached to my shoulder.

Zovval peeks over at me.

Our eyes meet.

"Hmhmhm.." he laughs with his jaw shut. " I think it's time..."

"Ah..thank you Master.." I say with a sigh of relief.

He stands up and walks behind me.

Thank god.. the amount of suffering I had to endure...

Moments later, multiple figures enter the room.

Out of those people, Silver enters.

"Vessel Alloy.. hand me the book." He demands, standing up, not messing with my chains.

Silver nods, handing him the book with his head bowed.

Zovval picks it up and smiles.

"After so many years...."

*"I hold the book in my grasp..." he grins.

W-what's going on...

I look over at Silver.

I sense... something different from him.

"Vessel Rose.." Zovaal speaks my name."Raise your head and look my way."

I do as he says, with no hesitation.

"Vessel.. your final ascension has come." He speaks in a more matured tone.

"Final..?" I ask.

Zovaal flips through the book he was handed.

"The ritual.. of *Transformation..."

"A practice, only known by Necromancers..such as myself.." he smiles.

The barrier containing the Master Emerald is opened.

It's glow, radiating the entire room in its glory.

Zovaal begins to mutter some words in another language.

All the figures around me bow in a circle around the Master emerald, almost like they were praying to it.

Silver kneels down to me.

"Amy.. be safe.." he whispers.

He then stands back up, walking back to his location.

Now all the figures were echoing what Zovval was praying.

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