Chapter Thirty Three- A Living Memory

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(Shadows POV)

All I could see was a shadow of myself as I walked around in the abyss I currently was in.

I had no idea what was going on, but I planned on finding away out of this hell.

My Vision began to clear as I started getting use to my surroundings.

I kept walking endlessly.

Was I walking in circles?

Will I escape?

What if I don't find the rest of my frie-..


The rest of my team.

These words of doubt started to cloud my mind as I continued on with my journey.

As the doubt started to consume me I saw a figure in the distance.

"..Rouge?.." I began.

"ROUGE!!" I yelled again.

She didn't seem to hear me.

"R O U G E!!" I yelled once again.

Soon my voice began to give way as I continued my ridiculous screaming.

After a short coughing fit I got myself up and began running towards "her".

I reached my hand out to grab her.

I got her arm.

"Rouge! I'm so glad your alrigh-"

The being turned around and looked down at Me.

"Oh Silver.? What are doing around these parts... I told you Onyx city is not safe..."

What is he talking about...?

The being puts his hand on my shoulder.

I wanted to back away but my legs didn't listen to me.

"Don't give up.. I know you can get out of here.." he says.

"You were born with an extraordinary ability.. use it, and stop doubting yourself.."

The being smiles down at me but He disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

Silver's Telekinesis....

Did this guy know Silver.?

Am I still connected to him?

The being kept echoing in my thoughts.

"Don't doubt yourself.."

"Dont give up.."

"Dont let it take over..."

"You must save her.."

"Don't lose yourself.."

"Do it for-"


These words echoed throughout my mind.


Never ending.

It was telling me something..

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