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   Bella and Edward returned, only to cause more chaos with the wolves as Jacob Black seemed to find it his place to inform Bella about the altercation between Emmett and one of the pack, apparently Paul

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Bella and Edward returned, only to cause more chaos with the wolves as Jacob Black seemed to find it his place to inform Bella about the altercation between Emmett and one of the pack, apparently Paul. Bella took off with the wolf, to talk she said. I could see her absence was driving Edward up a wall. "She's fine," I try Edward, turning to glare at me.

"You don't know that,"

"I do," I say, "I would feel it," Edward rolls his eyes, "I would, Edward, we shared a womb, thoughts, and feelings for 18 years. I would feel it," He sighs still not convinced.

"I have to cross the treaty line, I need to know she's okay," I stand quickly

"You will not, Edward, you do that you risk her life and all of our lives. Use your head," I chastise, and he pauses thinking about my words knowing I'm right. "Alice will let us know when she's back over the line, she's going to be fine," I turn away from the copper-haired vampire, knowing he wasn't going to risk everyone's life on his own uncertainty. He waits impatiently but doesn't say anything. The same muted feeling of dread grows with me. I start questioning whether I was right to tell Edward not to worry about my clumsy sister but I realized that this dread was more muted than when I feel it for my sister and it was gone as fast as it appeared. Just then Alice came into the room to tell us Bella was back. I jumped needing to know why I felt this dread. Jasper watched me suspiciously but says nothing. I get into the passenger of Edwards, Volvo knowing I could just run, but Charlie had to of been home and if I just appeared minutes before he would have questions. Edward gets us there in record time and I push myself into the house looking for anything out of place. Bella and Edward speak when it hits me." Edward," I say, and his attention has peaked the smell of another vampire hitting my nose. Bella confused, thinks it's her and moves to remove her jacket. I ignore her voice following the smell into Bella's room and then my own. My muscles tensed as my finger run over my engagement ring that was sitting on the dresser after I removed it for the day, so I could take it to get cleaned in the morning. Whoever was in here had touched it as well as other things.

"You gotta get her out of here," I say Edward gives me a look of agreement, I rush to dad, telling him a lie, he seemed to believe me too easily, but that was a thing for another day. Bella moves to the passenger seat. "I'm gonna call Jas and Emmett and hunt the scent," I tell Edward leaning on the passenger side of the car. Bella looked frightened.

"Be careful Lil," Edward says, first pulling Bella's hand into his own. I nod tapping the hood of the car as they take off, pulling out my phone calling Jas.

"Lilith? What's wrong?" He asked

"There was a vampire in my house, I need you and Emmett to come and help me track," I say

"Don't go by yourself," He tries, though I can tell by the sound of his voice he knew that wouldn't work. I hang up the phone following the scent through the forest at full speed. Emmett and Jasper show up in a few minutes, flanking my sides as we follow the scent only to lose it. I groan in frustration hitting the tree angered by this loss. Jasper approached me, putting his hands on my hips in an attempt to calm me. I sigh knowing we had to go to the Cullen house.

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