Chapter 20 black out

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~ Jacks POV~
"Mr. Gilinsky you seem clear to go."
"Thanks doc."
"Make sure to take it easy."
Andrea grabbed my wheel chair. I got in and we were walking down the hall when we saw two people being pulled into the E.R.
"What happened here?" asked a doctor to another doctor.
"Two teenagers got into a wreck. One barely living, one beaten up and knocked out."
"Oh what are their names?"
"Uh their friends are here and they have let us know that their names are, Cameron Dallas and Tara Mendes."
I looked at Andrea and she fell to the floor.
"Oh my gosh are you okay ma'am?" A doctor asked.
I wheeled down to the E.R. and saw the guys sitting there. Mahogany was clinging to Jacob. Nash pacing back and forth crying. Hayes on the floor rocking himself. Jack staring into space not saying a word. Taylor was sitting next to Shawn trying to calm Shawn down. Matt had his head in his hands crying. Carter had his head resting on the wall. Aaron was shaking and looked like he had been struck by lighting. I wheeled towards them and they all looked up.
"What happened?!"
"T-Tara and Cam. They were d-driving..." said Nash crying.
"It's okay Nash. Tara and Cam were driving to a hotel when a car swerved into their lane and..."
"Oh my gosh. This is my fault. If I hadn't upset her and made her cry she wouldn't have drove off with Cam."
"Wait this is your fault?!" asked Shawn getting up and heading towards me.
"It was an accident."
"Yea it was an accident you have my sister on the break of death!"
Taylor came up and grabbed Shawn pulling him to his seat.
"I am so sorry." I said crying.
"Oh shut up. You shouldn't be crying you jerk." said Shawn.
"I cheated on her. She ran out crying."
"And you cheated on her?!" Asked Shawn. "If my sister doesn't make it neither will you."
I blinked a couple times and rubbed my eyes. I'm a little surprised, I've never seen Shawn like this. Andrea walked up and sat down next to Mahogany and had an ice pack next to her head.
"Are you okay Andrea?" Asked Mahogany.
"Yea I just passed out in the hallway."
"Oh my."
"So ass who did you cheat on Tara with? I bet whoever it was is a slut." asked Carter.
"She isn't a slut!"
"So now you're defending her?! You really don't care about Tara do you?" Asked Carter.
"If I didn't I wouldn't have cried back there."
"No. You cried because you felt bad for yourself. You knew it was your fault so you felt bad." Said Shawn.
"That's not true!"
"Sure it is. Well who was it?" Said Taylor.
"Uh." I looked at Andrea and she had a worried look in her eyes. "It was Samantha."
"Who's that?" Asked Jack.
"A fan."
"Wow." Said Nash.
I looked at them as if they were crazy.
"You guys are unbelievable. You would think you guys would be nice and help me feel better. No you all have to gang up on me. It was a mistake!"
"No you're a mistake. You don't deserve Tara. She's a thousand times better than you. Go back to the hotel." Said Nash.
"No I'm not leaving!"
"Yes you will. You don't have permission to be here and you need rest." Said Taylor. "Andrea can you take him home?"
She grabbed my wheel chair and began to wheel me away.

~ Shawn's POV~
I can't believe this. My sisters in the hospital almost dead.
"Are your parents on their way?" Asked Taylor.
"Yes. You know what's sad? The first time they get to see my sister since they lost her is also going to be their last."
"Don't think like that." he said beginning to cry.
"They both got hit head on."
"They can't leave." he said full on crying.
"I don't want them to leave either but if they do it's for the better." I said crying.
"Excuse me? I have good news and bad." Said a doctor.
"Which one of you is related to Ms. Mendes and Mr. Dallas?"
"I am." I said getting up.
I nodded towards Nash.
"I'm his brother." said Nash.
"Please come with me."

~Matts POV~
We have been waiting out here for 20 minutes waiting for an answer. Finally Nash and Shawn walked out. They both looked worse then before. Their eyes filled with tears and lost hope.
"What happened?!" Asked Taylor.
"They Uh...." Said Shawn.
"They what?"
"Um one is gone. The other is knocked out." Nash said. "Cams.... Cam uh."
"No!" I yelled
"Cam is knocked out." Said Shawn breaking down and putting his hands on his head.
"Wait that means... God no! No! No!" Taylor yelled.
I got up and began pacing fast.
"Tara's gone." Said Shawn falling to the floor.
Mahogany burst out crying. Everyone began bursting out crying. I soon began to feel the air getting thinner and thinner.
I fell to the floor.

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