Chapter 32 Bright lights

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~Matt POVS~

"I found something. I pinned an address to where the call came from." Victoria says.
"Where the hell is this place?" Asks Shawn.
"It's about 20 miles from here." I say.
Cameron gets in his car.
"Where are you going?!" Jack G asks.
"I'm going to get the love of my life." He says.
We all get in different cars as Cameron disappears down the road.
"I hope we're not too late." I say.

~Tara's POV~
I rip all of my sheets and tie them together. I wrap them around the ceiling fan. This is the day. I tie it around my neck and I prepare to jump. I hear yelling and gun shots. I turn to the door and it bursts open.

"Tara!" Says Cameron.
"Cameron!" I yell.
I untie my neck and I jump down from the bed into Cameron's arms. I begin to cry as I cling to his neck.
"Matts dead and it's all my fault." I say crying.
"What are you talking about? He is right behind me." He says.
"Wait what. But Michael showed me a video of you and him tied up and a knife fell on his neck." I say crying.
"That never happened." He says.
"Wait is this a dream? This isn't real! You're not here! Wake up!" I yell.
"This is real Tara." He says holding my hands.
"This is real? Is this really real?" I ask crying.
"Yes it's real. You're safe now." He says with his hand on my face.
I hug him again. When I get down I look into his eyes and I reach up and kiss him. I pull away and stare at him. I turn and Michael is there. He has a gun pointed at Cameron. The rest of the guys run up.

"This is my story! This isn't supposed to happen! You ruined everything!" He yells.
"Calm down Michael. We can get you help." Cameron says.
"No. If I'm going down so are you." He says. He points the gun and fires.

I look down and there's blood coming from my stomach. I look up at Cameron who's holding me. I look over at Michael who is running away. I look back up at Cameron.

"Tara look at me! Don't close your eyes!" He yells.
I put my hand on his face.
"I love you." I say before everything goes black.

~Cameron's POV~
I pace back and forth at the hospital. I can't lose her. I just got her back. She took a bullet for me. She jumped in front of me when the gun fired. I can't lose her. I fall to the floor in the corner and I begin to cry. Nash sits next to me and puts his hand on my back.
"They sent her to surgery." He says.
"Is she going to be okay?" I ask.
"We don't know." He says.
"She took a bullet for me." I say.
"I know. All we can do now is pray." He says.
"It's not fair. She has had such a hard life. And she gets treated like this! She can't die." I say crying.
"It's going to be okay." He says.
"Where is she?!" Yells Breanna.
"Breanna?" Asks Nash.
"Nash." She says.
She runs up to him and hugs him.
"I thought you were visiting your family." He says.
"I was but I heard Tara was in the hospital." She says. "Hayes and Jessica are outside on the phone with your mom."
"Okay." He says.
"Is she going to be okay?" She asks.
"We don't know." He says.
He looks at me and looks back at Breanna. He hugs her and she begins to cry. Hayes and Jessica walk in. Hayes hugs Nash and then goes back to Breanna. A nurse walks up to them and begins talking. I get up and walk towards them.
"Ms. Mendes is in recovery. It is up to her now if she wakes up or not." She says.
"When will we be able to see her?" I ask.
"You can see her now but only one at a time." She says before walking away.
"Go Cameron." Says Nash.
I start to walk to her room and I feel my heart racing. I turn the corner and head towards her room. I walk into her room and I see her cold, still body lying on the bed. Her hair is laid out on the pillow supporting her head. Her beautiful eyes are hidden behind the break of life and death. I walk up to her and hold her bony hands in mine. I feel the tears begin to fall down my face. She looks lifeless yet the monitor continues to beep as her life continues on.
"Hey Tara. I hope you can hear me right now......otherwise I look stupid." I chuckle a little but then I look down again.
"Words do not describe how wonderful you are. Words can't describe you at all, because you're such an amazing person. You think you could open the gorgeous eyes so I could see you? I love you Tara, you can't leave me. I need you." I say.
"Excuse me sir, but visiting hours are over." The nurse says.
"O-okay. Thank you." I say.
I get up and kiss Tara on the forehead. I walk out and head towards the waiting room.
"How is she Cameron?" Asks Shawn.
"They said it's up to her if she wakes up or not." I say.
"My family is on their way." He says. "Why don't you go home and get some rest? I'll be here and I will call you if anything happens."
"Okay." I say.
I walk out and wonder. Where do I go now?

Simply MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora