Chapter 23 who said loves for fools?

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"Mahogany my hair is going to burn off if you hold it there any longer."
"Sorry. Stop moving." she said laughing.
"Sorry I'm just anxious about tonight." I said.
"I can tell. Don't worry it will all be fine."
"I know, but what if I do something really embarrassing? What if I slurp my noodles to hard and it goes up my nose?" I said with my eyes wide open.
"What the heck? Who said you were ordering... never mind. So what if you do something embarrassing I'm pretty sure he will too. He doesn't care about that stuff. Jack only cares about getting to know you and making sure you have the best night ever."
"Okay. He seems like a great guy."
"He really is. He may make mistakes every now and then but he's really a great guy."
"Everyone makes mistakes."
"Yep... everyone." I said sighing. "So do you have a boyfriend?"
"Uh..... no."
"What?! How could you not? You're so nice and pretty." I said.
"Thanks." she said laughing. "I just don't worry about having a boyfriend. It's not my main priority."
"That's a great way to live. Yea... I haven't had a boyfriend since.... I don't even know. It seems like I can only remember up to my 18th birthday."
"Huh. Short term memory?"
"No. It's weird. I don't know what it is."
"Have you seen a doctor about that?"
"Okay. Well your hair's done."
I looked in the mirror and saw the curls in my short ombré hair. She began my makeup. I wish there was a form of makeup that could cover up our lives. If it can cover the mistakes on my face why can't it cover up the mistakes in my life? Before I knew it she was getting me up.
"You're done?"
"Okay." I said.
I grabbed my dress and slipped it on. Grabbing my wedges I slipped them on too. I stepped in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection. This girl looks different from who I feel like. This girl in front of me looks like she has a bright future ahead of her and a good life. But the girl on the inside is a girl with no future. A future that is filled with mistakes and past hauntings. I feel as if I'm in a square box with no way out and the air slowly closing in on me.
"Hey you okay?"
"Uh yea. I'm fine. Just thinking. Thanks you did a great job." I said.
"No problem I had fun."
Then a knock on the door filled the room with noise. I took in a deep breath grabbing my tan clutch and walking to the door. Opening the door I looked to see who it was. I began to smile but then it faded away when I noticed it wasn't Jack.
"Hello ma'am I am here to escort you to your ride."
"Oh thank you."
I waved to Mahogany and wrapped my arm around the older mans. He led me outside to a limo.
"Here you are ma'am."
He opened the door for me and I slide in. I looked around but still no sign of Jack. Since I had no one to talk to I took out my phone and began looking through Instagram. After a while we arrived at the destination. He opened my door and I got out noticing I was at a beach. He closed the door and drove away.
"What the? Hey where do I go?!"
I took in a deep breath and noticed there was a pathway made of roses leading towards the end of the beach. I began to follow it till I got to a big area. There was a table with a red cloth, A single rose in a vase, two plates with glasses, and silverware. The table stood in the center of a circle of candle lights.
"Oh my goodness...."
"Hello beautiful."
I turned around and saw Jack wearing a suit and tie.
"What is all this?"
"Just a beautiful scenery for a beautiful girl."
"You are so corny."
We sat down at the table and I began looking around. When my eyes landed on Jack I noticed he was staring at me.
"Did you really go through all this just for me?"
"It's no trouble when it comes to you."
My cheeks began to heat up. I smiled and grabbed his hand. That's when Nash and Cameron walked up wearing waiters outfits. I put my hand over my mouth and giggled.
"I am sir Nash and this is sir dumbness."
"Hey!" Cameron said slapping Nash.
They poured two small glasses of water.
"Thank you." said Jack as he poured his drink.
My stomach began to hurt randomly. I clutched my stomach taking deep breaths. To take my mind off of it I stared at the night sky.
"The stars are beautiful." I said.
"Yea they shine. But not as bright as your eyes."
I smiled and looked into his eyes.
"You really know how to flatter a girl huh?"
He smiled and began rubbing his thumb over my hand. He took in a deep breath and looked down. That's when I started to get worried. What if he starts that whole Tara thing and says he can't date me because of her?
"I get it. You can't move on from her. She was important to you and I shouldn't be standing in the way." I took in a deep breath looking away. I pulled my hand back and began drinking my water.
"What? What are you talking about? I was going to say I haven't felt this good in a while. That I'm haveing a lot of fun with you."
I looked at him with my eyes wide open. My heart began to race. How could I be so stupid.
"You're not stupid."
"Wait I said that out loud?"
"Yea and you're not stupid. It's fine I understand why you assumed that but I'm ready to move on. I want to love someone again."
"I'm sorry I'm just not use to this whole dating thing."
"You can't be that bad. When was the last time you had a boyfriend?"
"Uh let's see never."
"What? You've never had a boyfriend?"
"Never kissed anyone."
"Unless you count my pillow no."
He smirked then leaned back in his chair.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh nothing."
"What?....." I said getting suspicious.
"Nothing." He said smiling.
"What are you...."
"We have brought you your dinner." said Cameron.
They put two silver platters downs and picked up the top. There sat two tacos on my plate from taco bell. I began to laugh and smile.
"What to cheap?"
"No it's perfect." I said smiling.
We began to eat our tacos, and talk about each other lives. When we finished he got up and grabbed my hand.
"Where are we?..."
"You'll see." he said interrupting me.
He led me to the end of the beach. As we got closer I could here music.
"May I have this dance?"
I smiled.
"Yes you may."
He put his hands around my waist, and I put my arms around his neck. I laid my head on his chest listening to the beating of his heart.
"You know you're special."
"I am?" I asked.
"Yea. You aren't like other girls. You're different."
"Is this a good different?"
"Absolutely. You don't care what people think of you."
"I could say the same for you."
"Yea I learned that the hard way."
"You're gorgeous you know?"
"You are too... I mean... You're hot... I mean.... with the way you look what girl wouldn't want you..." I looked down feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.
He put the tip of his finger on my chin lifting my head so my eyes were looking into his.
"You are so cute."
My eyes fluttered and I stared into the sparkle of his eyes. I looked for something inside of him. I saw nothing. I saw a boy trying to escape his way out. He began to lean in and our faces were inches apart.
"You idiot!"
We pulled back fast before our lips touched. Our heads turning to Cameron and Nash. They waved at us than ran away. Jack turned his head back to me and was about to lean in when I put my finger to his lips.
"If you want a kiss you have to earn it."
He smiled.
"Oh I see how it is. So you're going to play that card huh? Alright game on. But you're gonna loose. You'll kiss me."
"Are you sure? Cause I don't want cooties."
"That's it."
I threw my wedges off and began to run away laughing. Jack began to chase me and he finally caught up to me swinging me around to him. Once again our faces inches apart. I went in to kiss him but swerved into a hug. I ran back to the table laughing.
"Hey! That's cheating!"
We got to the table and I grabbed my shoes. He picked me up bridal style so I wouldn't have to walk. As he walked I stared at him trying to figure out how to unlock the gates he was putting up. He looked down at me and noticed I was staring at him.
"You know staring's rude."
"Kind of hard not to stare."
"You are a flirt just as much as I am missy."
I smiled as he put me down. He opened the door to the limo for me and as I was getting in I pecked his cheek.
"That's cheating too." He said.

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