Chapter 33 Confident

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~Tara's POV~
I open my eyes to see Cameron, Nash, Taylor, and Matt in the room. They are all sleeping. Taylor's on the counter, Matt is on the floor, Cameron is in the chair, and Nash is on the couch. I sit up and cross my arms and chuckle. I grab one of my pillows and I throw it at Taylor. He falls off the counter and looks up.
"What the fu...?! Tara! Tara's awake guys." He says.
Nash doesn't wake up so Taylor grabs the pillow and hits him hard with it making Nash fall on top of Matt on the floor.
"What the hell Nash?" Asks Matt.
"Taylor hit me with the pillow." Says Nash.
"What the hell dude? Why did you feel the need to wake me up at 6 in the morning?" Asks Matt.
Taylor points at me and I just sit there laughing.
"Oh." Says Matt.
They all just stare at me and I stare back.
"You would think a girl could get a hug around here." I laugh.
They all walk up to me and one by one hug me.
"So when do I get to leave?" I ask.
"Woah woah buddy. First we have to make sure you are okay to leave then we can." Says Matt.
"Okay." I say.
The nurse walks in and checks my vital signs and says I am okay to leave. I get dressed into a white dress with sunflowers and white sandals. I grab my stuff and I walk out with the guys behind me. I walk outside and take a deep breath in. I put on my sunglasses and wait for the limo. When he pulls up I throw my bags in the back and I get in with the guys. As we sit in the car they all stare at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing you just seem different." Nash says.
"I am. Being in that place changed me. I am no longer a pathetic, weak, little girl. No more bullshit." I say.
"Just because you were locked up and tortured does not make you pathetic and weak." Says Taylor.
"But letting myself get hurt over and over again does." I say.
When we get to the hotel there are fans and tons of people waiting outside the door of he hotel. I get out and they all start to scream. I wave at them as I walk in to the hotel. When we get in the hotel Cameron grabs my arm and turns me to look at him.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine." I say.
"Why did you jump in front of me?" He asks.
I take a deep breath and look down. I look up at him.
"Because I love you. I didn't want to loose you." I say.
"But you could have died." He says.
"I know." I say.
"Did you not think of the consequences?" He asks.
"I didn't have to. Can we go upstairs? I'll tell you every thing that happened." I say.
"Yea we can." He says.
I grab his hand and walk to the elevator. When we get to his room he sits on his bed and I sit next to him.
I explain to him everything that happened.
"One night in particular when I was there he showed me a video where you and Matt were tied up. You were in a room tied to an electric chair and you were bleeding so much to where I couldn't tell if it was really you or not. Matt was tied up to a wall and he had slashes in his stomach and there was a knife hanging above him by a string. Michael told me that both of you loved me more than as a friend. He asked me which one of you I loved more. He gave me the option of choosing one of you to save, if I didn't choose, you would both die. He counted down and right before he said one I yelled out a name." I say looking down and feeling the warm tears stream down my face. "Then the knife fell, and Matt was dead. I thought he was dead." I say crying.
"It's okay Tara." He says.
He hugs me as I cry against his chest.
"Cameron I want to find this sick son of a bitch and I want him to feel my pain." I say.
"We will find him." Says Cameron.
"He made me have dreams. Terrible dreams. He made me remember things. He made me think you hated me, and left me there to die." I say crying.
"I would never leave you there. I love you Tara and I will never leave you again." He says.
I grab his face and pull him towards my face. Our lips collide and it feels like we have become one person. I pull away when someone knocks on the door. I get up and answer it. Victoria walks in and looks around. I'm so surprised that I stare at her for what feels like hours. My mouth feels like it has been nailed shut. She turns and smirks at me.
"Guess who's back?" She's says smirking.
My eyes widen with anger and I charge at her but Cameron stops me. I fight him as hard as I can but its not enough to get passed him.
"Tara stop! She helped find you." Cameron says.
I relax and stare at Cameron.
"There's no way she helped. She wants me dead. Bad news Victoria you have to get in line. Apparently you're not the only one who wants me dead." I say.
Cameron looks at me with his eyes widened. He looks shocked by what I said, as if it hurt him in some way.
"Listen bitch the world does not revolve around you. I don't want you dead. I'm actually protecting you. I have been this whole time." Victoria says.
"You're lying." I say.
"Actually I'm not." She says.

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