Chapter 24 No words

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"I'm so bored." I said hanging upside on the bed.
"Okay.. let's go to the beach." Mahogany said.
"Great! Wait I don't have a bathing suit." I said frowning.
"You can borrow mine." She said.
"Thanks." I said smiling.
She threw me a bathing suit which had a hot orange top and confetti looking bottom. I ran into the bathroom and threw it on. I slipped a pair of high waisted shorts on top of it and an American Horror Story crop top. I put my hair in a messy bun and slipped on my flip flops. Grabbing my phone and bag we ran out the door. We got to the lobby when we heard a scream. Our heads shot to the direction of the scream and saw a group of fans. Mahogany looked at me and grabbed my hand running out the door. We ran all the way to the end of the beach before finally loosing them. She sat down in the sand and I ran to the water feeling the waves crash against my toes. I took in a deep breath closing my eyes and feeling the breeze.
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have a different life?" I asked looking at the ground.
"All the time. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't joined Magcon. If I hadn't met the guys." She said.
"I wonder what my life would have been like if I was another person. If I didn't have to be locked up in a house everyday all day. If I had a normal life. If I had found love earlier." I said sighing.
"But we are given our own lives for a reason." She said reassuringly.
"Yea I guess. I just wish mine was better." I said.
I walked away heading to the towels. I laid down on the towel feeling the suns rays. Then a shadow covered my body. I removed my sunglasses looking up at two teenage girls. They had a cake full of makeup on and they curved their back so their butts would stick out. They pursed their lips before they began to speak.
"Uh hi but who do you think you are?" Said the blonde girl who looked to be 15.
"I think I'm Reanne, uh who do you think you are?" I said staring at her.
"It doesn't matter who I am. Why are you in our spot?" She said pointing.
"Your spot? Is your name here? Oh wait it's not because I forgot you're not important." I said searching for her name.
"I don't know who you think you are but you need to move your sad asses somewhere else." She said crossing her arms.
"At least I actually have an ass. Now why don't you two children go back and find some seas shells!" I said smiling.
"Why don't you get a life?" She asked while smiling as if she had just said the best comeback ever.
"Why don't you get good comebacks?Now hurry I think the playgrounds calling." I said smirking.
"I'll give you one second to move or I'm getting my boyfriend." She said stomping her foot.
"You can't get what you don't have." I said waving her off.
"Terran!" She screeched like a hyena.
"Nice name did you just now come up with it?" I said laughing.
Then a guy who's a little taller than me with brown hair walked up. He was kind of muscular and acted macho.
"What's wrong Tiffany?" He said with a deep voice. I laughed a little.
"These bitches stole our spot." She whined.
"Uh excuse me that's my girlfriends spot." He said pointing to the ground.
"Blink twice if she paid you to act like her boyfriend. Don't worry we can get you help." I said like a child.
"Oh I see you're a smart ass. You act tough but your parents probably hate you." He said chuckling.
"At least my parents didn't hate me enough to drop me on my head as a child." I said smiling.
"That's it." He said with a stern face.
He got close to me and grabbed my arm. Mahogany got up but one of his guy friends grabbed her and held her back.
"Let go of me bitch." Said Mahogany.
"You like water cause your about to drown in your sorrows." He spat in my face.
"Let me go!" I screamed.
"No sarcasm now, huh?" He snickered.
"Let me go asshole." I said jerking around.
He pulled me to the water and was about to push me under when someone grabbed his arm.
"Excuse me but she said to let go."
"Fuck off." He said.
"No why don't you fuck off. Leave her alone asshole."
"You want to start?" He asked throwing me to the ground.
"Yea and I'll end it. I've got eight other guys here with me. Trust me when they see what you've done to her they won't hold back. Now get the hell out of here ass."
"Whatever." He scuffled.
He stepped on my leg and walked off with the two girls. I whined in pain. I began rubbing my arm in pain. I got up and saw the guy from yesterday.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked.
"Yea just soar." I said faking a smile.
"Here let me see." He said reaching out for me.
He examined my arm and lightly rubbed his fingers over my arm.
"You'll be fine, just really bruised." He said.
"Thanks." I said.
"For what?" He asked.
"For saving me." I said looking down.
"It was nothing. But seriously are you okay?" He said checking me.
"Yea I'm fine. I'm sorry I met you yesterday but what's your name again?" I said confused.
"Oh it's okay. My name's Cameron." He said smiling.
"Cameron? Well thank you Cameron." I said smiling.
"No problem. So why did he almost drown you?" He said concerned.
"Oh the two girls next to him kept telling us that we were in their spot. I wasn't getting up so I started arguing with her and she got pissed so she called her boyfriend. He yelled at me and then said he was going to drown me." I said laughing a little.
"Wow. People these days make me sick." He said shaking his head.
"Yea. Well what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Oh I'm here with the guys. They went to go get some smoothies but I decided to stay." He said looking over my shoulder.
"Glad you did." I said smiling.
"Me too." He said smiling back..
I smiled at him and noticed he was looking at someone behind us. I turned and saw the guys coming back.
"Hey Reanne. What are you doing here?" Asked Jack.
He looked at my arm and noticed the finger marks.
"What the hell happened?!" He asked.
"It's a long story. I'll tell you later." I said.
"Okay. Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"Yea I'm fine." I said rubbing my arms. "I'm tired I'm just gonna go back to the hotel." I said.
I gave them a reassuring smile and grabbed my towel before walking away. I would have grabbed Mahogany but she was busy talking to the short brunette boy. I strolled down the street taking deep breaths. I have never experienced something like this before. I don't know how to feel about this. These thoughts raced in my mind. Before I knew it I was in front of the hotel. I walked in and stared at the people around me. Mostly were couples checking in. I mean Valentines Day is tomorrow. I hate Valentines Day. Why should we celebrate our love for someone else on one day? Shouldn't we do that everyday? I also don't like it because every year I see these stupid couples and then there's me. The only serious relationship I've ever been in was with my double fudge ice cream. I took in a deep breath before walking through the crowd of linked hands and kissing. When I finally made it through I felt like I was gonna throw up. I ran to the elevator. As soon as the door opened I swung in slamming my fingers into the buttons.
"In a hurry?"
I swung around and saw a blond boy.
"Uh yea." I shrugged.
"Where to?" He asked in curiosity.
"Anywhere away from those couples." I said in disgust.
"Ah." He sighed.
"Yea. I hate Valentines Day." I said in bitter despair.
"I can see. So no boyfriend I'm guessing?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Uh no." I said rubbing my arms.
He smiled.
"We met earlier but I'm Matthew." He said raising his hand for me to shake.
"Oh yea." I said shaking his hand.
"Yea you're the girl who passed out." He said scratching his chin.
"Yea.." I said trying to hide the pink in my cheeks.
"Too excited?" He asked smiling.
"No too scared." I whispered.
"Huh? Are you okay?" He asked.
"Nothing. Yea I'm fine." I said shaking my head.
He pulled his eyebrows together in confusion and went to open his mouth but the doors opened. I walked out and started my way to the hotel room. When I finally reached the room I went to take out my key but noticed the door was already open.
"What the hell?" I asked while stepping over stuff.
I pushed my way inside the room.
"Who the hell?!....."
The room was trashed. It looked as if someone had been looking for something. I began walking around trying to see if anything was taken. Then someone shut the door. I ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked.
"Help! Hey let me out! Anybody there?! Let me out!" I yelled.
I banged on the door hoping someone would hear me but it was no use. Then green smoke started coming out of the air vent. I grabbed a scarf and tied it around my face to try and prevent breathing in the smoke. I began searching for my phone but I couldn't find it. I ran to the door and began banging harder.
"Help! Help! Someone get me out!" I yelled.
I ran to the bathroom but it was locked too. Then I ran to the window but it was locked also. I ran back to the door banging as hard as I could.
"Anyone out there?! Help!" I screamed.
I began looking around and found a hammer. I grabbed it and ran to the door. I began slamming the hammer into the door. Nothing was happening. I ran to the window and nothing happened. The glass is bulletproof.
"Great is there any freakin way out of this hell hole?!" I yelled.
I tried the door again and a small hole formed. It wasn't big enough for me to get out. It only went threw the first layer of the door. The green smoke swarmed the room. It got closer to me. The scarf wasn't enough to keep it away.
"Help!" I yelled.
"Help." I said.
My screams for help began to fade as the room got darker.
"Someone hel..." I began to say.
Before the darkness surrounded me someone walked out of the bathroom. They began to reach down for me. That's when everything went black.

Simply MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang