Chapter 25 leave me to die

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~ Matt's POV~
I didn't even get her name. She ran out of the elevator before I couldn't finish my sentence. Now I'm sitting in my room, and I can't stop thinking about her. I could have sworn that I heard her say she was too scared earlier.
"Help! Awh Shit! Help!"
"What the hell?" I said.
I got up and opened my door. I looked down the hall but saw no one. I closed the door and sat back down again.
I know I'm not crazy. I got up and went in the hallway trying to see where the pleads of help were coming from.
It's coming from the end of the hall. I began walking down the hall. That's when someone in a black hoodie and jeans came out dragging someone.
"Hey!" I yelled.
They turned and saw me. I ran up to them and they dropped the person and began to run. They turned the corner and I followed. When I turned the corner they were gone. I ran back to the person and saw that they were knocked out.
"Shit it's that girl." I said.
I bent down and picked her up. I carried her to my room and sat her on my bed. I grabbed a hand towel and put some ice in it. I put it on her head and pulled out my phone. I called Cameron.
"Heyo." Cameron answered.
"I need your help." I said.
"Can't tie your shoes again?" he said laughing.
"I'm serious!" I yelled
"Okay." He said.
"Come to my room now. Hurry." I said.
"Why? What's wrong?!" He asked.
"You know a girl with short ombré hair? About 5'4. Wearing beach clothes." I asked.
"Oh my gosh Reanne. I'm coming." He said nervously.
"Hurry. She's passed out. I saw her being dragged out of her room by someone wearing a black hoodie. There was green smoke in her room." I said.
"Oh shit I'm coming." He said.
I hung up and sat next to Reanne. I checked to make sure she was breathing. I went to grab some more ice when someone locked me in the bathroom.
"Let me out!" I yelled while banging on the door.
I heard Reanne wake up and scream.
"Reanne!" I yelled.
I kept hearing her scream, till it all stopped.
"Reanne?! Reanne!" I yelled.
Then the door knob began to jiggle. I grabbed the toilet plunger and was ready to swing. The door began to open and it was Reanne holding a bat
with blood on it. She took in a deep breath and hugged me.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I woke up and some guy wearing a black hoodie was trying to pick me up. I screamed and he freaked out. He grabbed your bat and tried to hit me. I kicked him and I took the bat. I hit him in the head. I could hear you yelling so I came to the door." she explained.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yea I'm fine. Just a little shaken. How did I get in your room?" She said.
"I heard you screaming so I went to your room and the guy was trying to drag you away. I took you and brought you in my room. I went to get you more ice for your head and he locked me in the bathroom." I explained.
"Okay. Look I'll show you where he is." she said while grabbing my arm.
She stopped right in front of the bed.
"He was right here." she said getting worried.
"What the hell?! You want to call the cops?" I asked.
"Yea." She said.
"Okay. Wait where's my phone? It was right here on the bed." I said.
"What if he took it?" She asked.
"Why he would want my phone is beyond me. But at least I get a new phone." I said trying to cheer her up.
"What if they come back?" she asked nervously.
"Then we'll be ready." I said holding onto her arms.
"Okay." she said shaking.
She wrapped her arms around me and began to cry a little. I rubbed her back in comfort.
"It's okay they are gone now." I said.
"I can't help but wonder what would have happened if they had taken me." she said.
"The guys probably would have killed me. We would search for you. I wouldn't stop till I found you." I said.
"Thanks Matt." she said.
I pulled away and walked up to the hotel phone. I began to dial but nothing happened. I bent down and noticed it wasn't plugged in.
"Whoever was here made sure they had enough time to get away before we could call the cops." I said holding up the cord.
I plugged it in and dialed 9-1-1.
"Hello this is 9-1-1 what is the emergency?"
"I'm at a hotel with my friend and someone just came in our room and tried to kidnap her. They are gone now but they stole our phones." I said.
"Okay help is on it's way. Can you tell me what hotel you're in?" She asked.
"I'm in Hilton Head. River ave." I said.
"Okay they will be there shortly." She said.
"Thank you." I said.
I looked at Reanne and she was staring into space.
"Hey it's okay now. The police are on their way." I said.
"Okay. Matt?" she said.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Has this ever happened to you before?" She asked.
"No. But I can understand how scared you are." I said.
"You're so calm. How?" She said.
"I'm just naturally calm I guess. When situations happen I try to think of others." I said.
"Wish I was like that." she said.
"You can be." I said.
"It's cold." she said rubbing her arms.
"Here." I said handing her one of my sweatshirts.
"Imagine Dragons? You like them?" She asked.
"I love them." I said.
"Me too. I have always wanted to go to one of their concerts. Like an outdoor one. That would be so much fun." she said.
"Yea. I've always wanted to go to one too." I said.
She sighed and looked down.
"What if they come while I'm sleeping? Then I'm screwed." she said.
"You can stay here if you want." I said.
"Won't I be in the way?" She asked.
"No. I have this room to myself." I said.
"Okay. Thank you." she said.
Then a knock appeared. The police.

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