Chapter 21 Who are you?

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"Hello dear."
"I-i thought you were a good person?"
"You were wrong! I was no where near done with you."
"So what you told me was a lie?"
"Are you stupid?! Yes!"
"So Jack really didn't hire you?"
"No he didn't. Looks like you broke up with him for nothing."
"No! I broke up with him because he's an asshole!"
"Oh wait that's right. My little henchman shot him."
"That was because of you?"
"Absolutely. I tricked Josh into thinking I was trying to open the eyes of others. So stupid." She said shaking her head, laughing a little. "I did it so he could try and get you but he failed."
"So it's your fault Jack cheated on me?!"
"No that's his doing. He didn't have to kiss her. Sorry honey but he chose to do that. I see you've taken in interest in Cameron?"
I jerked out of the chains but nothing happened.
"I see we are a little defensive of him huh?"
I gave her a look as if I wanted to shoot her. Which I did.
"Oh I see. He's off limits. He'll be useful."
"If you touch him I swear."
"Ouch, sweet girl getting aggressive huh? You're just as much of a slut as any other dirt bag. You jump from one guy to another."
"No I don't! Cameron and I are friends!"
"Sure. Friends don't hold hands, and look at each other with hope."
"Is someone jealous cause you can't get that?"
I said smirking.
"No! I had that! You took it."
"You took it from me! You know who were my best friends when I was a kid?! Cameron, Taylor, Carter, Matthew, Nash, Shawn, and Aaron!"
"How did I steal them?!"
"When you moved to town they all fascinated you. They thought you were cool. Taylor, Cameron, and Matthew thought you hung the moon. They thought you were gorgeous. When we hung out all they talked about was how cool your were. Then they started to talk to you and forget me. They ignored me for a while. One day I went up to Cameron to ask him out and he looked at me and asked me who I was. He then continued on talking to Nash on how he was gonna win you over. I ran away and started a new life. I promised myself I would break you like they broke me."
"I'm sorry, but I didn't do that on purpose. I didn't ask them to leave you!"
"But you did! It's all your fault."
"No it's not! Let me out! Help!"
"No! Shut up!"
"Help! Help! Get me out!"
Then I heard someone come down the stairs.
"Honey who is that?"
I couldn't see the face but recognized the voice.
"Help me out!"
"Honey you can't just lock up...."
They came down the stairs and they looked in my eyes.
"Tighten her chains." he said sternly to Victoria.
"No! Help!" I began to jump around in the bed.
"Also tape her mouth." He said.
"No! Someone help me please!"
"Shut up."
She taped my mouth and smiled.
"Now you better get some rest we have a long day tomorrow." Eric said smirking.
I opened my eyes wide, tears beginning to fall out.
"Come on babe lets get some sleep."
"Okay hold on." he said.
Eric walked over to me and whispered in my ear.
"I will get you out of here I promise. Now act like I said something that terrifies you."
I listened to him and began to cry more. I began to shake my head furiously, and squeal.
I looked over at Victoria and she smirked.
"Let's go."
They both walked upstairs and I fell back on the bed. I began to think. "Is Cameron okay? Are the guys okay? How is everyone. Do they know I'm missing? Do they know I'm in pain? I began to close my eyes and dream of a better place then this.

~In her dream~
I looked around and I was on the roof I tried to jump off. I was looking over the edge at the city below. Looking down at the dark never ending ground.
"Go ahead jump."
"Jump! We all know you're worthless. You're just a little slut."
"No I'm not!"
I looked in front of me and saw a bunch of teenage boys. They looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to some of their faces. I tired to move to them but I was stuck on the edge. I could only go backwards.
"You're worthless. Just jump." said the tall muscular dark brunette with the wicked eyebrows.
"No please no." I said crying.
The boy wearing a bandana came up to me and slapped me in the face.
"You mean nothing to us. We only acted like we liked you. We wish we would have just killed you when we had the chance back in high school." said the bandana boy.
"No you don't. Please." I said crying hard.
"We don't love you. You're trash. Why do you think we didn't care when you went missing. We had a party and rejoiced." said the short brunette who looked to be about twenty, smirking. He came close to me and held a knife to my neck. I struggled to breath as he pulled my hair back. Leaving the pain of the cold knife against my throat.
"Let her jump we don't need to kill her." said Victoria.
"We burned pictures of you. I hated you all along. I did like you in high school but you went after Jack. You are a slut jumping from one guy to another!" said ....Matt! That's Matt. The one next to him with the brown hair is.... Nash! I thought in my mind trying to remember their names.
"Who's Jack?" I said crying.
"Just jump." said Nash.
"I don't like you. I was only nice to you because you're pitiful!" Said the younger boy who looked to be fourteen.
"I felt like I was burning inside when I found out you were my sister. I wanted to shoot you on the spot. You are disgusting." said the tall brunette who was holding a guitar.
He looked like he wanted to beat me with the guitar.
"I'm sorry I love Victoria. I always have always will." said the short brown haired boy who looked to be twenty.
Victoria walked up to the short brown haired boy and started making out with him. Then she whispered something in the tall familiar muscular, brown haired boys ear and he smirked. He kissed her on the cheek.
The tall muscular brown haired boy came up to me and took some scissors and cut my wrist. I screamed in pain.
"Jump!" They all screamed.
I pushed my hands into my ears and began to cry. I couldn't stop the sounds of them screaming to jump. I began to scream as I crouched down. I finally looked at the ground and jumped.

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