Chapter 18 Walking on eggshells

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"W-what do you want?"
"Yes you're obliviously the only one I'm talking to."
She tried to slap me but I grabbed their hand.
"No honey."
I threw her hand down.
"I'm here to finish what I started and now you don't have anyone to save you." Victoria said.
"Maybe you should have checked to see if the house was empty before planning anything."
"Oh them. They can't hear you. You see I had your walls done so wear you can hear everyone in the house but they can't hear you."
"You remember that time I ran away from the roof? Well that was an excuse to make you think I was done for a while."
"You saved me on purpose as an excuse?"
"Yes, and it hurt to save you. I wanted to let you drop but I didn't want them to have proof I did it."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to make you feel pain first then, I'm going to break you down to pieces before I crush you."
"Oh. Sounds gruesome."
"Shut up. Just seeing your face makes me want to kill you faster then before."
"Okay. Thanks I know my face is pretty scary. Now are you going to stand there or do something?"
"Why aren't you fighting back or freaking out?"
"Because I'm not scared."
"Why aren't you scared?! I want your pain. You don't get it I want to see you in pain."
"Okay. You're crazy."
"You bet I am crazy."
She got closer to me with a knife. I got to the wall and I looked up before looking into her eyes.
"You want to know something?" She asked.
"I am crazy. A crazy good actress."
"Wait what?!"
"Yea I'm sorry but I was hired to scare the shit out of you."
"So you're meaning to tell me I have almost been killed so many times, because you were hired to scare me?!"
"Who fucking hired you?! Who?! I will murder them!"
"I was hired by my cousin."
"No he's not my real cousin."
"Tell me who it is?!" I said pushing her to the wall.
"It was Jack."
"Jack?! As in my own fucking boyfriend?!"
"He thought it might make you want him to protect you."
"Well look were its got me now. I can't believe him. He thinks this is funny? This is not funny!"
"I'm sorry. I know you hate me but can we be friends?"
"Uh I don't know, I guess. You are a good actress."
"Thanks. My name really is Victoria by the way. I feel bad for putting you through that."
"It's okay. You're nice. I knew you weren't that bad when you saved me from the roof."
"I wasn't just sent to scare you. I was sent to test you. To see if you would try and fight for your life or not. At times you would but then others it seemed like you wanted to die. I think you have depression. I was sent by Jack not as a joke but I was sent by someone else as a test. I was sent by another guy named William Sander. He is the director of a lot of great movies and he wants you to star in his next block buster movie. It's called The Start. It's about a girl with depression problems facing the real world. He wanted to see if you were capable of playing the lead role. You are very capable."
"I don't know if I should be happy or sad that I was nearly scared to death many times. When do I meet him?"
"Tomorrow at 4."
"Great. Let him know I'm in."
"I will. Thanks for your cooperation."
"No problem."
She walked out and down the stairs casually. I took a deep breath in and thought of everything. How could he do this?! I'm so mad. I am not going to sit here and wait for him to come to me. I just got here but I need to sort this out with him. He's at a show right now so guess who's visiting.
"Hey Andrea I'm going somewhere for a while."
"But you just got home."
"I know I'll be back tonight."
"I'm going to say something to Jack."
"But he's in Phoenix."
"I know."
"Okay. That's a 5 hour drive. Are you sure you want to go alone?"
"Uh I guess. Do you want to come?"
"I'd love too. Let me pack."
"But we are coming back tonight."
"We should stay the night there. You really want to drive for 10 hours today?"
"No. Let me pack."
I ran to my room and packed three outfits just in case. Some shoes and my essentials. I changed my clothes considering it was gonna be a long drive. I put on a white shirt, blue jean shorts, a tan knit cardigan, a rainbowish looking scarf, and combat boots. I put my hair in a fish tail braid, and walked downstairs.
"Where did Kian go?"
"He went home. He has to film."
"Okay. Text the girls and let them know where we are going."
We got in my car and started our drive. Andrea pulled out her phone and took a video of us singing to "Beg for it by Iggy Azalea".
"We are on a road trip!" Yelled Andrea.
"This is my song!"
They started playing "XIAT by Trevor Moran".
"Trevor has done so well."
"Yep." I said.
We sang to many songs as the long drive got shorter and shorter. We pulled into a gas station.
"You want anything from inside?"
"Yea grab me a Snapple and some Doritos."
I ran inside and grabbed the chips, two snapples, and some Cheetos for me. I ran to the counter and the guy there started freaking out.
"You're Tara Williams!"
"Yes I am. Well now I am Tara Mendes."
"I love you! Can I get a picture?"
"Sure." I said smiling.
He snapped the pic and I signed his phone.
"This is all on the house. Well gas station."
"Really?" I asked.
"Thanks. Love you Marty."
"She knows my name!" He screamed as I walked out.
I got to the car, pumped the gas and got in.
"Let's go!"
We drove off and after we ate our snacks Andrea fell asleep. Now I'm driving in the quiet. What am I going to say to him? All I know is I'm gonna show him not to mess with me.

We arrived at the same hotel Jack is staying in.
"Andrea? Andrea? Andrea!"
"What?!" She yelled jumping in her seat.
"We are here."
We got our bags and walked to the front desk.
"Excuse me room for Tara."
"Okay that is room 318. I hope you don't mind we are very busy, so we had to put you next to loud teenage boys. I am truly sorry."
"It's okay I know them."
"Great. May God bless your souls."
We walked to our room, and I threw my stuff down. I am so tired. I jumped on my bed and laid down.
"Not yet. We have to talk to Jack."
"What happened?"
I sat next to her and told her everything.
"That jerk."
"We have to hurt him in so many ways."
"No! I mean yes! I mean no."
"Come on revenge is always the best."
"Not always when you love the jerk." I said looking down.
"I've never felt this way. I feel like he's always hurting me but I'm too in love with him to see it. I want him to love me, but I can't if he's hurting me." I said starting to cry.
"Listen. You are going to have many relationships in your life and you're going to feel like you're in love. But sometimes people aren't meant to be. Sometimes you think you're in love with someone but it's not love. You feel like you're being lifted off your feet but you're really being held down. Look I know Jack and he's a great guy but he's a player."
"I just thought he was the one."
"I know. I know."
I sat back in the bed and looked at the roof. Anger started to fill inside of me and I couldn't help myself. I stood up and grabbed the hotel phone and threw it at the wall. Andrea stared at me with surprise. I started to throw things around when the guys came in and saw us.
"What's going on?!"
"You!" I said when I saw Jack walk in.
"You jerk!" I yelled jumping for him, but was held back by Taylor.
"Let me go!"
"What's wrong with you?!" Jack asked.
"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?! You You jerk!"
"What did I do?!"
"You know exactly what you did!"
"And what is that?!"
"You hired Victoria!"
"Shit. You what?!" Asked Taylor.
"You hired Victoria to kill my sister?!"
Said Shawn lunging for Jack.
"Bullshit." I said.
"What?! Why would I hire someone to kill my girlfriend?!"
"You didn't hire her to kill me but you did hire her to scare me. Why?"
"I didn't hire her!"
"Yes you did! She told me!"
"Why would you believe her?!"
"Because I have a meeting with her manager. He wants me to be in his movie." I said crossing my arms.
"I didn't hire her! Why don't you believe me?!
"Because she had hard core evidence."
"Like what?! What evidence?! I didn't even hire her!"
"Whatever Jack. I can't believe you would stoop so low. Why do you keep hurting me?!"
"Why don't believe me?! I love you Tara. Why would I hurt you?! I am never going to let anything or anyone hurt you. You can't believe her it's not true. Please."
"Jack you've hurt me before how do I know you're not gonna hurt me again?"
"Because I learned from my mistake. I love you. You don't hurt the ones you love." (Okay I found the picture up there after I typed this.)
"Yea but you've done it once you can do it again. I love you but I don't know if you love me. How do I know?"
"Please, I love you. I am going to show you. We are going somewhere special tomorrow."
"Okay. One date."
"Alright you won't regret it."
He walked out with Jack and Nash.
"What the hell is wrong with you? How do you know he didn't do it?!" Asked Andrea.
"He might have I just need to find out more information."
"Okay. So now we know why you're here but we literally just put you on a plane. How did you get here?" Asked Taylor.
"We drove. Why do you think we arrived at 2 in the morning?"
"Okay sorry." said Taylor sarcastically.
"Could you leave now? I'd like to actually try and get some sleep."
"Alright. Why are you being a bitch?"
"Just get out. I'm not being a bitch. I'm tired and would like to sleep. So get out." I said rolling my eyes.
"Already pissy. Sorry to disturb your slumber your heinous." Taylor said walking out with Shawn slamming the door.
I put my head in my hands and pulled my knees to my chest.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?"
"I don't know. I'm pissed at Jack, I feel bad because I was rude to Taylor."
"It's okay. You're just not having a good day."
"No I feel like this all the time. I want to hurt someone then I feel so sad."
"Oh my gosh. Come with me."
"Come on."
"Where are we going?"
"To the hospital I don't feel good."

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