4 - Threats for a Demoness

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Susie's POV

I was infuriated. I had left the demoness a new message on the wall across from the open gate. It said: No demonesses! All she did was shake her head, then dismiss it entirely. It made my inky blood boil.

"How dare you, Hailey Stein." I snarled. "I won't let you dismiss me like that!"


Alice's POV

The sounds of audio logs got my attention. I decided to investigate, and discovered my creator was in the Music Department. However, something was wrong. I couldn't manifest anywhere in the department. Nor could I do so in Utility Shaft 9. Suddenly I realized why. Susie warded the entire area to keep me out.

"What are you doing Susie?" I whispered, feeling very hurt and confused.


Hailey's POV

I finally found Wally's keys. They had been in a trash can in the main area of the department. When I returned to the hall closet, the words The creator lied to us had been written on the door itself. I dismissed them, and opened the door. I found an audio log in it, as well as a music sheet for the song The Lighter Side of Hell. A simple song with twenty seven measures separated into six lines. Next to each line were letters, they were in order: P, V, D, BF, B, and P. I raised an eyebrow, then pressed play.

Sammy Lawrence:

"Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Hailey Stein has hers, and I've got mine. To enter, you need only know my favorite song:

The piano delicately calls, then the violin shudders with a piercing voice. The drum thunders in triumph, then the bass fiddle sings with deep articulation. The banjo playfully clucks, then the piano returns in graceful harmony and finishes the song.

Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you."

I giggled. "So that's how you get in there."

I closed the closet door, and went to the recording studio. Before I could even open the door and enter it I was greeted by yet another message. This one said: You can't be saved. I rolled my eyes, and opened the door. I smiled as I looked around and recalled fond memories of watching Susie use her talented voice to bring my lovely angel to life.

I spotted an audio log on the floor next to the piano. On the floor next to it, Susie had left me another message. The anger she poured into writing it was clear as day, because the words were so messy that I was stunned by the fact it was legible. Her message said: You're heartless. Suddenly, I dreaded the idea of listening to the tape. Regardless, I approached the audio log, sat on my knees, and pressed play.

Susie Campbell:

"It's my third month working for Joey Drew and Hailey Stein, and I love it here! The past few weeks Hailey had me voice everything from talking chairs to dancing chickens as some sort of test. Then a few days ago she unveiled Alice Angel, and chose me to voice her. This is the first character I really felt a connection with. I don't know how to describe it.

I think Alice and I are going places. People really seem to enjoy how I voice her, especially Hailey. In fact, she adores my Alice Angel! She said Alice might be as popular as Bendy someday. Personally, I hope she becomes so popular that instead of having Bendy as the studio's mascot, we'd have Alice instead.

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