35 - Resurrections & Massacres

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Alice's POV

I had walked out into the cavern, then went to the middle of the bridge. I was about to call Bella, but before I could, she rose out of the Ink River. The poor thing did not look well. She was whimpering while she had a hand on her tummy. Her eyes were welling up with golden tears, and her bottom lip was quivering.

"You poor thing..." I gave her a 'come here' gesture. "Come to Mama."

Bella nodded then brought her face to me. I then started scratching her nose with one hand, and rubbing it with the other. Her eyes slammed shut, and she purred.

I had a motherly smile on my face. "It's okay girl," I cooed. "Mama here for her river baby."

"She's so... innocent." Bendy marveled.

I nodded. "That's Bella for you. She's the most innocent thing in the entire studio." I chuckled. "She's literally a giant river baby."

"What was wrong with her?"

I shrugged. "Don't know." I turned to Bella. "Bella sweetie, what made you feel bad?"

She rubbed her tummy, then imitated barfing.

"Poor baby..." I cooed. "No wonder why you're feeling needy." Suddenly, a bad feeling washed over me, and I froze.

Bendy noticed. "What's wrong Alice?"

"Something bad is happening in the Lost Harbor."


Joey's POV


Ever since that Helen girl broke the End Reel, I've been trapped in a nightmare. The entity had seized control, and refused to let me wake up. Now it was torturing me. Af first, it forced me to suffer various scenarios the inky denizens of the studio had experienced. It made me experience their pain. Then, something changed. The entity went silent.

Despite that, it continued to torture me. However, now it was centered around the pain and suffering of one person. Hailey. I was forced to experience every time she suffered. Every time she felt pain. However, the worst one was experiencing her death.

After I experienced that, I lost awareness. When it returned, I found myself in the body of a Lost One. I looked around, and saw I was in the Lost Harbor. The nightmare felt oddly real, like I was possessing one of them.

Then I heard laughter. "That's because this is real Joey," a woman's voice informed me. There was something eerily familiar about it, but I couldn't figure out why. I've tossed you into the body of one of the Lost One's who live in the Lost Harbor. Believe me, they know it's you."

I realized she was the entity. "How is this possible? Not even Alice can do this."

She chuckled. "True.Then again, she doesn't have my imagination."

"What... what do you mean?"

"Oh don't give me that. You know what I'm talking about."

I shook my head. "No I don't."

"Wait. You don't still don't know who I am?"


"Joey, I am very disappointed in you. You always said I kept impressing you. So I figured you would've at least tried to impress me. I guess I expected too much from you."

"Who are you?!" I exclaimed.

The entity giggled a little. Then she burst into deranged cackling. "Oh this is hysterical! What an exquisite mix of terror and frustration." She let out a happy sigh. "I finally know who I am. However, I'm not going to tell you. That wouldn't be any fun. So I'll give you a clue. Ready?"

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