21 - Fun with Bertrum, Terror with the Projectionist

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Alice's POV

When we separated from the group hug, Allison was the first to speak.

"Alice, how about I spend some time with Susan, and you take Helen to the Attraction Storage?" She offered. "You have to go there anyways, and Helen's bound to love going on a carnival ride if you can get it up and running."

I grinned. "That's a lovely idea. Do you agree baby girl?"

She nodded energetically, and was clapping her hands as she jumped up and down. "Yes! I do! I do! I do!"

I laughed, then picked her up. "We'll be back in a bit. Stay safe you two."

They nodded, so I walked away. I continued to hold Helen as I made my way to the Attraction Storage. I was rather curious to see what kind of carnival ride was inside of it. This was my first time ever going to this particular area. Until now, I've never had a reason to come here.

Though I do wish it was under better circumstances, I thought to myself.

When we entered, Helen let out a gasp. The carnival ride was a huge 'octopus' ride. The middle was in the decorative fashion of a carousel, and had four mechanical arms attached to it. Each arm had three carts per arm, and four bolts, two on either side, supported each arm. It was also decorated with theme park lights. The lights covered the ride's arms, base, and top.

"That's so cool!" My baby girl marveled.

I smiled. "I agree baby."

"Can we ride it?" She whispered.

I was about to say yes, when I noticed an audio log. It sat on a small table not too far from where I stood. Something about it felt... off. I cautiously set Helen down, then pointed at the spot she now stood at.

"Stay here," I warned.

Helen noticed something troubled me, so she nodded.

"Okay Mama."

I slowly walked over to the audio log, then pressed play. Then we heard the voice of Bertrum Piedmont. However, I noticed the sound wasn't coming from the audio log at all. Instead, it seemed to be coming from the loudspeakers on the walls.

"The biggest park ever built, a centerfold of attractions. Each one, more grand than the one before it. It makes my eyes come to tears at the thought."

I had a sudden feeling that I shouldn't have brought Helen with me. One seemingly confirmed when the gate that was open when we entered, slammed shut.

Uh oh. I thought.

The audio log suddenly took a dark turn. "But then... oh Mister Drew. For all your talk of dreams, you are the true architect behind so many nightmares. I built this park. It was to be a masterpiece! My masterpiece! And now you think you can just throw me out? Trample me to the dust and forget me? No! This is my park! My glory! You may think I've gone..."

"...But I'm still here!"

Two panels opened up in the mid section of the ride, and I was shocked to see what they revealed. It was a giant, disembodied human head that was slightly deformed. Bulged eyes with yellow irises stared at us in a dazed expression. The top of the head was covered in ink, emulating hair. It had a large triangular nose, a paintbrush mustache, some scruff for a beard, bushy eyebrows. There is ink oozing from the left side of the mouth, though I wasn't sure if it was acting as blood or saliva. Something akin to veins was on both the right eyebrow, and the left side of the forehead. Finally, I bumps were on the left side of the head, near the ear.

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