25 - Lillian Bell

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Alice's POV

As it turns out, Susan did more than just scare her baby sister enough for her to have an accident. She also broke the cartoon logic that made bathrooms unnecessary for Helen. At first, I was simply annoyed by the whole thing. However, as the day went one, it quickly became very obvious that Helen was completely incontinent. So not only does my baby girl have a working bladder, she has absolutely no control over it.

"Alice," called the gruff voice of Thomas Connor.

I turned to him as I held Helen, who had cried herself to sleep after I told her the news. "Yes, Tom?"

"It's not even noon yet, and Helen's incontinence is already proving to be an issue."

I let out a sigh. "Yeah. Truthfully, I'm not sure what to do about it."

"Can't you use the Ink Machine to create diapers or something."

I frowned. "Do you happen to have one I could study first?"

He shook his head. "Of course not, why?"

"Because that's the only way I'd be able to do what you've suggested. After all, I have absolutely no experience with those. Diapers aren't exactly something you'd find in an animation studio."

He sighed. "Good point. I don't suppose you know of anyone in this place who could help you with that?"

I thought about it for a bit. "Well, there is one individual who might be able to help..."


This was going to be... interesting. I haven't visited the Webspinner in a very long time. Mostly because she annoyed the living crap out of me when I was the Ink Angel. However, I had a feeling she and I would get along a lot better now.

When I arrived at the entrance to her lair, I walked in. It was an enormous room with a vast amount of space. Black ink coated every surface, and countless webs made of golden ink decorated the room. Some of the webs secured random things to the walls, and a few exposed pipes could be seen. Ink streamed out of them, and into small pools. I quickly spotted her at a table, feeding on a searcher.

The Webspinner was an oddity. Her height of 10'0, made her a tad bit taller than me. Her skin, if it could be called that, was black tar-like ink. Her hair was made of snow-white ink, and mimicked an extra-long curled bob hairstyle. There were two eyes each instead of there being only one each, and next to them were six more, three for either side of the face. This gave her a grand total of 10 solid vermilion eyes. She had a human mouth with dark grey lips, ivory teeth and a pair of pointed ivory fangs. Her spider-like pincers jutted out of her face from either side of her mouth.

She had a long and thin torso. Her upper body was the equivalent of three normal ones. It was long enough to account for her six motherly bosoms, and she had an equal number of long, lithe arms. Her pelvis was more like a spider's thorax. Similarly, her large bottocks was more like a spider's abdomen. She also had two long, lithe legs.

Her attire was a surprisingly accurate recreation, to an extent. She wore an ankle-length white skirt, black oxford shoes, and a custom gray blouse with six sleeves, all short and puffed. On her arms she wore manila gauntlet style gloves. She also wore a manila mid-calf length, six-armed button up coat with a matching belt, a nipped high waist, full shoulders, puffed sleeves, and an oversized collar made entirely of wool.

The Webspinner grinned when she saw us. "Alice! It's wonderful to see you!" She declared. Her voice was soft-spoken, and had a mellow, musical tone. "It's been far too long."

"My apologies for that, I have no decent excuse for that." I replied.

She smirked. "You are forgiven. I've noticed you've changed, a lot. Is that a soul I sense inside you?"

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