11 - Patty Cake & Extra-Thick Ink

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Allison's POV

"So Ally, how am I changing?"

I looked at my sister. "Well Ha... Helen, you know your encounter with Susie after she drugged you?" I asked, being very careful about it since it was most likely going to be a sensitive subject for her.

To my surprise, she shook her head. "No."

"Wait, really?"

She nodded. "Big me won't let me know the bad stuffs."

I nodded. "I understand."

"What does it mean to be drugged and why did Susie do it? Did I make her mad?"

I let out a sigh. Crap. This is going to be difficult to explain.

"Well she used something to make you fall asleep, and then she put you in a large glass box she built under a pipe."


"Because her mind was very, very ill," I carefully explained. "She tried to hurt you by filling the glass box with Ink... but you managed to escape. However, you must've swallowed some ink by mistake, and now that it's inside you, the ink is changing you."

"How can ink do that?"

"Because this ink is very special."

"Ooooh," she replied. "So how is the special ink changing me?"

"It's changing your body so instead of the stuff humans bodies are made of, all of it is made of ink like the things that the Ink Machine creates."

"So I'm turning into a cartoon character?!" She exclaimed. Excitement was plastered all over her face.

"Possibly, but it's not a guarantee. There are multiple unknown variables that could affect what you become."

She was puzzled by it. "I don't get it..."

I sighed. "Fine. Yes, you are becoming a cartoon character."

"Yay!" She cheered. "This is soooo cool!"


Alice's POV

The Wolf's next task for them involved collecting extra-thick ink from swollen searchers on Level 11. I felt pity for the poor things. They were completely passive beings. Their slightly larger, diseased-like forms caused them a lot of anguish. As a result, they simply prefered to be left alone.

The elevator stopped at Level 11, greeting the trio to the Metro Station, and area of the level that got its name due to its structure looking slightly similar to a subway station. Though in the spot you'd expect to see train tracks, there was an ink river instead.

Thankfully, this time Allison managed to convince Hailey to at least stay on the elevator with Bendy, who decided to tag along. I adored sisterly bond between Hailey and Allison. I smiled as I thought back to when I watched those become sisters:


"...No. It's just... I'm an only child, but I've always wanted a kid sister. It used to be my biggest wish as a teenager. Until now, I've never felt that kind of bond with anyone. Now that I've met you, it feels like I might finally get to have that wish come true. Would you... like to be my sister?"

I watched as my lovely creator gave Allison a hug.

"Honestly, it's been you've started to feel like an older sister to me, Allsion. I have a brother, but it's just not the same. So yes, I would love to be your sister."

I felt my heart melt at the adorable display of sisterly love. "You're such a sweetheart my darling..." I happily mumbled to myself.


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