3 - Messages for a Traitor

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Hailey's POV

"Owww... my head..." I groaned as I woke with a massive headache. "What happened? Where am I?" For a moment, I didn't recognize my surroundings, then memories of recent events returned to me. "Right, I'm at the studio."

Took a look at my surroundings. I was sitting in the middle of a strange ritual symbol drawn on the floor with ink, and it was surrounded by five candles. There were four coffins, two laying against the wall, and the other two were on the floor. I also noticed three chairs, one on the left side and two others on the right. A shelf was located on the left side of the room. A poster for the Alice Angel episode Siren Serenade was on one of the walls, and from above the right side of it was a pipe. Finally, next to the poster was an ominous message. One that was written in ink: Prepare yourself traitor, because your fate has been written.

I shook my head. "I know you wrote that to scare me, whoever or whatever you are," I announced, "and it failed." Then I stood up and brushed myself off. "Well, I guess there is only one thing to do: Press on. See if I can find some answers."

Suddenly, I noticed that next to a can of Briar Label Black Ink Mac and Cheese, was another message: For you to read, traitor.

Below this message was a memo paper, which I picked up and read:

From: Thomas Connor

Memo to Staff Regarding Utility Shafts

To All Concerned.

We know that the noise from the Ink Machine and the new plumbing has made it hard for you all to get your work done, but just a quick reminder that the utility shafts scattered throughout the building are off-limits. It's really not safe for folks to be down there. If a pipe burst, well-you could find yourself in a sticky spot real fast. We've taken the liberty of boarding off some of them for your own protection. Just stay out of there, okay?

I folded the memo then pocketed it as I walked over to an open doorway. It led to some stairs, and I noticed a sign that said Utility Shaft 9. Another message had been written above it somehow: Feeling brave, coward?

I shook my head as I muttered a simple, "nope."

I grabbed my axe, and decided to try going back the way I came to see if I missed something. Alas, the hallway had caved in. It was blocked by ink-stained boards and barrels as droplets of ink dripped from the hole in the ceiling.

"Just my luck, the only way I can press on, is by going through an area that's a flood risk." I grumbled with a sigh. "Whoever left that memo for me to read, curse you."

The place had become a lot more nerve-racking now that I knew that untold amounts of ink flowed through crummy pipes that caused ink floods whenever they burst. The noises they made from them from time to time as ink was pumped through them frightened me. As a result, I had severe anxiety along with the fear and confusion I already felt. The combination was rather stressful, and all I could do to relieve that stress in any way was to talk to myself.

With another sigh, I made my way to the doorway, then walked down the stairs. I was startled by the sound of something hitting the floor behind me, which turned out to be a ladder. "It's only a ladder Hailey, so calm down," I muttered.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, the first thing I noticed was an offering spot that had been set up below a pipe. The words She'll Set Us Free had been written below it, and next to the words was a small depiction of Alice Angel, as well as another can of Black Ink Mac and Cheese.

As I looked around I muttered, "how did this place get so big?"

I noticed a couple more coffins, which didn't help my nerves, and spotted another audio log. I approached it, pressed play, then heard Susie's voice come out of it.

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