Prologue: Letter from an Old Friend

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Hailey's POV

I was bored out of my mind as I stood behind the counter of the cafe I worked at. It would be a while until I could have my lunch break, and business was virtually non-existent. So I was doodling on a piece of paper to entertain myself.

Stupid Sunday work shift, I silently grumbled to myself, The only customers who ever come in here on Sundays are people who aren't from this stupid town.

I heard a cough. "Excuse me, miss?" A man grunted.

I quickly moved the paper to a shelf underneath. "Sorry sir, what can I get for you?"

"Actually, I'm more interested in that drawing you were working on. Why did you hide it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I quickly lied. "Now can you please order something sir?"

"I'll have a cup of cappuccino."

I got out a cup, and started to prepare his drink. "Milk, or cream? Also, would you like to have it flavored? If so, would you like cinnamon or chocolate powder?"

"Cream, and chocolate powder." He replied.

I nodded. "It'll be ready in a bit sir."

"Thank you miss," he replied, then leaned closer to me. He quietly asked, "so why did you lie about that drawing?"

"I don't..." I began, but stopped when I noticed the look he gave me. "I'm not exactly supposed to be making them. People frown upon it."

"May I see it for myself?" He asked.

I sighed. "Fine." I got it back out, then handed it to him.

"This is amazing," He marveled. "You are a gifted miss...

I smiled. "Hailey Stein, and thank you for the kind words. My brother Henry taught me how to draw. He's a fantastic artist. He thinks I have a gift and makes him look like an amature, but I know that's wrong. He's far better than me."

The man's eyes widened. "Henry, as in Henry Stein?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that's brother. He's the only one who encouraged me to draw. However, I've been forced to do it in secret ever since he left. I love to draw, but everyone in this town frowns upon it."

"That's a shame, you really do have a gift." He told me. "So how old are you?"

I frowned. "I'm 19, why?"

He grinned. "Well Hailey, I have an offer for you. I want to start up an animation studio, one that would make cartoons. However, I don't have a business partner, but now, I want you to be my business partner."

I was stunned. "Why me?"

"To be honest, I'm a dreamer. I don't have the artistic skills required to pull this off. However, you do. I can see what you brother saw in you, someone with a gift. What I'm offering you is the chance to use it. So what do you say Miss Stein?"

I thought about it for a few minutes. Ever since my brother got a job as an animator, I've been wishing for an opportunity to become one myself. Now it was here, so I knew what to say. "Mr. Drew, I look forward to working with you," I replied, a grin plastered on my face.


23 years later.

"Sis, it's time for you to wake up." I heard as my brother Henry shook me awake.

I opened my eyes, and looked at the clock on my nightstand, then groaned. "It's 6:15am Henry."

"I know, but Linda insists that you have to wake up," he apologized.

I sighed, and sat up. "Fine. Let my sister in-law know that I'll be down there in ten minutes."

He nodded, then walked out of the room. I spent the next ten minutes getting ready for the day, then walked downstairs and entered the kitchen.

Linda grinned when she saw me. "Good morning Hailey," she greeted me.

I yawned. "Good morning Linda. Why did you have my brother wake me up so early?"

"A letter came this morning, and you're going to want to see who it's from," she replied, then gave it to me.

My jaw dropped. It was the familiar design of one of the custom envelopes from the old studio. When I turned it over, I discovered it was from Joey Drew. "Joey? I haven't heard a word from him for twenty years. So why has he suddenly decided to contact me?"

"Open it, it might tell you." Henry suggested.

I nodded, then opened the envelope, and pulled out a paper. I then read it:

Dear Hailey, it feels like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. 20 years really slips away, doesn't it? Anyways, I know that we weren't on the best of terms when you left the studio, but I'd like to mend fences. So if you ever come back to New York, how about you visit the old workshop? There's something I need to show you. Your old pal, Joey Drew.

Memories of the studio surfaced, and I sighed. It was the only time in my life I had been able to use my artistic skills for a living. After I left the place, I moved to Pasadena to live with my brother and his wife. I now worked at another cafe, but it was a lot better than the one from our hometown. These days, art was only a hobby for me. Henry was disappointed about that, but understood why.

"Will you be going back?" Linda asked me. "After what he did?"

Joey was the reason I never tried to get another job as an animator. He ruined it for me. He promised to make sure people would recognize my work, but he lied. He took credit for my work. He stole from me. As angry as I still am at him, I still wanted answers. I wanted to know why.

I sighed. "I still want answers, and Joey says he wants to mend fences, so I might as well give him a chance to explain himself. Besides, he's piqued my curiosity about what he needs to show me."

"I'm not sure about this sis," my brother admitted. "I have a bad feeling about this."

I chuckled. "It'll be fine Henry. It's only Joey, so what's the worst that could happen?"

I didn't know it at the time, but I would end up regretting saying those words.

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