28 - Broken Narrative

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Alice's POV

After Bella left, Iled our group to the Decrepit Hallway. It had little to no flooring due to deterioration, which made the exposed deep chasm a major threat. I felt fury flare up within me as she stormed to the middle of the town, then summoned my scepter.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

I watched as the residents of the Lost Harbor scurry out of their homes, and formed a crowd in front of me.

"I have asked you to fix that hallway's floor numerous times, and I have been very, very nice about it." I snarled. "Yet, when I need to use it to get to Administration, I find out you've done absolutely nothing to fix it!"

"Why should we?" One of them asked. "Since you can teleport, you have no need to use it."

My eyes narrowed. "My old self let you have this safe haven, your homes, and showed mercy. The least you could've done to pay back that kindness is fix that goddamn floor." I shook my head. "I am very disappointed in all of you."

That seemed to depress almost all of them. However, the Lost One who asked me the question seemed to get mad instead.

"Kindness?" He scoffed, "Your 'kindness' is simply letting us live as long as we fear and worship you."

I sighed. "I am ashamed of what I used to be like, but that's not who I am any more. The Ink Angel is dead"

"Yeah right," he snorted.

I made myself stay calm. "My words are true. The Ink Angel died when she received a soul of her very own. She was reborn as me, and I was born from her." I gestured towards Helen. "You can thank my baby for it. Also, I promise to be a benevolent ruler, and a valiant protector."

This made almost all of the Lost Harbor's residents happy, although the one I was talking to grew more upset.

"This is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard!" He growled. "You may have everyone else fooled by this "Fallen Angel" costume of yours, but you don't fool me Ink Angel. If you do have a soul, it's only because you probably helped that Demented Wolf murder your creator to get it."

I was beyond livid as I marched over to him, then grabbed him by the throat. "How dare you." I snarl. "How dare you accuse me of helping that demented Wolf kill the woman who was both the love of my life, and my kids' other mom. The sight of her corps shall haunt me for eternity. I am damn lucky to have my two wonderful daughters."

Suddenly, I felt Helen tug on my dress. I sighed, then felt her hug my leg as I glared at the guy. "As punishment, I banish you from the Lost Harbor." I decreed in a calmer voice, then turned to the crowd. "Make sure he's gone by the end of the day. Tomorrow, please fix that goddamn floor."

I scooped Helen up and cradled her in my arms. I then opened an ink portal. "Let's go," I said to my family as I walked through the portal.


Helen's POV

We went from the town to someplace new. "Mama, where are we?"

"We're in Administration, my baby."

I frowned. "What's an Add-In Station?"

She chuckled, then shook her head. "Repeat after me baby. Ad-min...






She grinned. "Good job! Now try putting it all together."

"Ad-ben-it-train-in? Ad-men-it-ta-son? Ad-mis-say-ton?" I was frowning as I kept trying to say the word. When I failed a few more times, it made me very upset. "I can't," I whimpered as tears filled my eyes.

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