13 - Never Piss Off the Angel.

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Allison's POV

This was not going to end well. Bendy was laughing like a maniac, loving the fact he had an excuse to destroy Alice Angel cutouts. Helen on the other hand, was horrified at the mere idea of it. Once the devil got to work...

We arrived at Level K when I grabbed Bendy's arm. "Seriously, you have got to rethink this. This is suicide."

"No, this is party time."

I let go, and put my hands in the air. "Whatever, if you're insisting on doing this then go ahead. However, you are on your own. I am not going to try to save you."

He shrugged. "I'm fine with that."

I growled. "Fine, but you better pray that Helen doesn't cry."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Helen then grabbed him. " "Please don't do this Bendy!" She begged "Please, please, please don't break the cutouts!"

"Quiet!" He snapped. "'I'm doing this, and don't care if you don't like it. So do me a favor and shut up!"

He then stormed over to a nearby Alice Angel cutout, destroyed it, then continued further into Level K to find the rest. I pressed the button on the elevator to return us to Level 9. As it descended, I noticed that Helen looked very upset right now. So I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

"Shh. It's okay. Big sis Ally is here." I gently assured her. "Please don't cry."

"Why would he want to destroy Mama's cutouts?" She mumbled. It was so quiet that if she hadn't been right next to my ear, it would've been impossible to hear.

"I don't know Helen." I admitted. "Just try not to think about it."

She sniffled a little. "Okay."

That's not a good sign... I thought to myself. Come on Bendy, open your eyes already!


Bendy's POV

"Better hope Helen doesn't cry," I scoffed. "How ridiculous. I don't see the big deal." I then smirked. "Let's get this party started."

I started going through the halls. I already knew one of the cutouts was outside the toy storage room on the other end of it. It was the same one I used for the prank earlier. Although it felt like it happened ages ago.

Before that demented wolf revealed himself to be Wally Franks. Before he pushed Hailey to the brink of insanity and she became Helen. I thought, my grip on the axe tightening.

I was holding in a lot of anger. My creator has had a lot of crap happen to her for her whole life. Sure she may not be the nicest person, but she still didn't deserve the pain, abuse, and torture. Then there's the whole thing with the Ink Angel. My confusion about that, didn't help. It made me even more frustrated because I just wanted answers, and that damn wolf made it impossible for me to get any!

As a result of this, I really needed to vent. This task just happened to be the perfect opportunity. The fact that it was an excuse to destroy some of the Angel's cutouts was a wonderful bonus. Normally I just mess with the cutouts to annoy the Ink Angel, not destroy them. Though I've been wanting to do so for a long time as a way to get payback for her repeated attempts to kill me.

I shook my head, and turned my focus back to the task at hand. I didn't find any more cutouts until I got to the toy storage room. When I got there, I found three of them. I smashed them, then continued on. When I found the one I used for my prank earlier, I shredded it. I got to the back end of the Wolf and Angel paths, and destroyed the cutout leaning on a wall next to the Angel Path's exit.

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