22 - Actions Have Consequences

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Helen's POV

We were having a lot of fun until we heard the scary noise. It scared me, but not Mama. When she heard it, she got off, and made her microphone appear. After that, her eyes closed and she seemed to focus on something. After a minute her eyes reopened, and I saw she was very very mad.

"What's wrong Mama?" I asked.

"Your sister has been very naughty."

"What did she do?"

"She and your aunty went to find the final power switch. They've encountered Norman, and Susan has chosen not to tell me. I know it was her decision because Allison would've come to tell me immediately after that discovery."

"That is naughty," I agreed, then frowned. "You okay Mama?"

She shook her head. "I'm not my baby," she replied through clenched teeth. "The man who brought me to life was a bastard, my best friend died when she lost her mind, the love of my life is gone, her killer is still breathing, unthinkable atrocities are being inflicted upon your friend, and now my eldest child is rebellious! I have had it!"

Mama then transformed. Her new form was just like how her old self was a warped version of her cartoon self. Except in this case, it's waaaay cooler, and Mama wasn't going to be like this all the time.

"How interesting..." Mama mused.

"Wow..." I gasped in awe. "Mama, you look amazing! Your new voice is awesome!"

This seemed to surprise her. "Pardon me, but if I understand correctly baby, this new form of mine does not scare you. Is that correct?"

I frowned as I nodded. "Why would your new form scare me Mama? I love it. It makes you seem like a queen, and is phe-nom-e-nal."

"A queen?"

I beamed. "Yep," I replied, then gasped. "Oh! You could call yourself the Ink Queen too!"

Mama was about to reply when she gasped. She then growled, "Norman's injured Allison."

I didn't like that news, and felt tears in my eyes. "No! Not Aunty Ally!"

Mama then picked me up, and kissed my forehead. "Sleep."

Suddenly, I was extremely tired, and found myself falling asleep.

Before I fell asleep completely managed to mumble a response.

"Okay Queen Mama..."

I then fell into a deep sleep, and had a wonderful dream about Mama and Mommy reading me a story.


Allison's POV

Susan complained loudly as she was dragged into the room. "Ow ow ow ow ow..."

"Quite!" Alice whisper-scolded. "Your sister is sleeping."

Alice was rather terrifying as the Ink Queen. While Susan hasn't said anything, based on her reactions, she seemed to agree with me. I then noticed Helen was starting to stir.

"Not anymore." I muttered.

Helen then let out a small yawn as Alice picked her up. Helen then blinked a couple times before grinning. She seemed to be utterly unphased by the Ink Queen. Which proved that no matter what form she had, Helen would always see Alice as her Mama. It made sense considering she was just a little kid, despite seeming to be older at times since she retained some of Hailey's knowledge. Plus, unlike Susan, Helen was completely dependent on Alice.

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