Special Chapter 4: Finale

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[A/N: So, my class will resume soon. This is the final special chapter, and also the ultimate end of the story. Thank you for all the supports. I have no new idea for a fanfic as of yet, but there are other fanfics of J9 in this platform. Let support the stories and also motivate for more fans to write too. Till then, adios and thank you].


I could feel wet licks all over my face. My heavy-lidded eyes started to open, and I couldn't help but smile.

"It's unfair, Joong. You sent the puppy to wake me up", I said with my still groggy voice.

"No, I sent both the puppy and myself to wake you up", I felt another kiss on my cheek, and before he went down again to kiss my lips, I turned my face aside.

"Nooo, how many times I've told you, it's embarrassing... let me wash up first..".

He just ignored my whining, and turned my face to kiss me again.

"How long we've been together, huh, baby? You still feel shy about this? Then wake up earlier than me", he said teasingly.

"Your schedule changes daily, have some mercy on me, hmm.. what time is it now?", I asked belatedly.

"5.00 am. I have a flight to catch on 9.00". That word caused me to sit up properly. Yes, Joong had an oversea shoot starting from tomorrow for a week.

"Sorry, I was too sleepy...and whose fault was that, again?". The guy just laughed, kiss my cheek again and left with the puppy in his hold.

After washing my face and a light shower, I headed to the kitchen. The smell of coffee bombarded my senses. Joong was cooking something on the stove. I held his waist and give a light kiss on his jaw. Then help to set the table.

"What time will Mae touch down tomorrow?", I asked Joong while we're having breakfast.

"4.00 in the evening. Will you go and pick her up? No class to attend?"

"Yes, but the class will end at 3.00, so it's okay. I'll go. Even if there's a class, Mae is my priority, no matter what", I said with a smile. Joong's mother had planned to come to visit us for so long, and suddenly Joong's schedule changed due to unavoidable circumstances. But, I was too happy that I got to spent time with his mother uninterrupted. Joong was too clingy, he still sulked whenever Mae was giving me more attention than him, and when I justified that he was pampered by my mom and family too much already, the baby sulked even more.

We had been together for 5 years. The café that I worked for, opened a branch in Bangkok 2 years ago, and it was the perfect time for me to come here. Joong bought a house, not a grand one, just an ordinary 4 bedrooms house that was large enough to receive guest and cozy enough for the two of us and our dog to live in. I enrolled to study in culinary school, weekend classes, as a preparation to open my own café in the future.

"Don't gossip too much with Mae. You must be ecstatic that I won't be here, both of you will be liked best friend again. Make sure your phone is available with you the whole time, I'll call whenever I'm free".

"Joong, that's your Mae, why are you so jealous of us?", I asked, smiling cheekily at him.

"Go on, try to provoke me, I'll tell everything to your mom when we go to visit them next time. You know Mae will side with me rather than you". Damn! Though I hated it, it was true, Mae would always side with Joong, I didn't know why, but I guess she missed Joong too much and catching up on lost time.

"Hmm, make sure you behave too, with your co-star. Though I trust you, I don't trust her not to come to you...". I said while stabbing my fork on my omelet. I rarely felt insecure with any of his partner in any project, but this one ticked my nerve on another level. She had started to give hints here and there on all his social media posts. That angelic face might fool other people but not me. I knew a fox when I saw one.

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