Strong Heart

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He ignored my calls. Not surprising. He had been doing that too many times now. My messages were read but never replied. He didn't even want to talk to me, even if I started, the response was curt and cold. His eyes were empty, he looked anxious and weary. Once, I managed to hold his arm, but he yanked it hard and pushed me away.

I didn't know how else to approach him without triggering his moods. This was not Joong. This was a shell of him, it's liked something else had invaded his body. The blasted project had been eating his inner self, changed who he was to someone dark and foreign. I put up my courage and went to Mr. Kla, asking him to let Joong off from the project. As expected, it was rejected without so much concern. I was at my wits end.

I almost exited the building, when I realized I wasn't wearing my jacket. Must be in the dance room, where I took it off before the dance routine started. The door of the room was a bit ajar. The last person didn't close it properly, or maybe the latch was loose. I was about to enter, but stopped when I heard familiar voices from inside. All I could do was stood outside and listened. The sound of his broken sobs, his fear of harming me was heartbreaking.

As I laid on my bed that night, my mind was running in circle. For the umpteenth time, I tried to call him again. Only a voice mail answering my call. I put down my phone and swallow hard. Turned out my fear was true, Joong had lost a sense of himself. I couldn't imagine the pain he's feeling inside, didn't know how bad it was. People said that you'll hate as much as you've love. He must've love me so much, right? He would rather bear the hurt, than hurt me. What shall I do Joong? What can I do? I want to come near, but then you'll feel more broken. My chest felt tight, my breath fell short. I wanted to cry, but no, I'd swallow my tears until he finds his smile back. I would be strong to fight for him. I finally decided and closed my eyes.

Though my feet felt heavy, I pushed them forward step by step, to reach the master that hold the key. The master just laced his fingers and waited for me to begin. I knew, he was playing a waiting game, those who show his card first, would be in the losing end. Because, the other player would know how counter back more.

"You must hate my guts, right?", I said without preamble.

"On the contrary, I admired them. But, that doesn't mean I like it coming from a minion".

"I've noticed your interest in Joong from the start, but you don't want me here. You wanted to cut me off so badly, but yet, if you do, both of our fandoms will create chaos. So, you are still searching for ways to do it cleanly, isn't it?"

"Hmm, interesting theory. But, it sound more like a jealousy there", he just said that nonchalantly and smirked.

"Think however you like Mr.Kla. Just, let Joong off from the project, and I will cut myself off from here, your hands will stay clean".

Mr. Kla took a deep breath and sighed heavily. He stood, went to take something from the cabinet, and handing me over a thick document.

"Just liked everyone, nobody read the contract. Just check out the page with the red tag". I was curious where this was going, so I did as he said. My eyes wavered. 3 million dollars!; the cost for breach of contract. I couldn't even afford a loan for half that much.

"Do you think your worth is that high? Tsk,tsk... big empty words. But, Joong will worth more than that, given more years. The thing is, he is too attached to you. If you're out, he will want to follow we can't have that, can't we. I will lose my golden".

"What do you want? Just spell it out, clearly".

"Well, cut everything off".


"I'll agree to let him off the project, and will bear the cost of compensation. In return, your contract which is due in a year, will be "mutually" terminated in 3 months' time, without any payout. You can't work anywhere else in this industry too after that, let the fans assume you just decided to quit overall. In the remaining period of your contract, you must cut off every single string of attachment Joong has with you, until both of you will be nothing to each other. I want his name and talent to grow, without having your name attach to it anywhere. In other words, after 3 months, go away and vanish. If I find out, that you try to meet, contact or have any connection in whatever terms with him, not only Joong has to pay up the whole sums, I will make sure life is another hell, for both of you".

"For how long?"


"You're sick! Even if we are nothing anymore to each other, do you think human mind can easily forget? Only a dead body will be without it!"

"Gosh, don't try to be dramatic, it caused me a major headache. Even if the mind can't forget, people will grow out of soft, foolish sentiment, Nine. This is just another business transaction. I'm being strategic. Your silence is the key to all this, if anyone knows, the deal is off. Whatever it is, the choice is yours. But, just so you know, in 2 weeks' time, Joong needs to resume the project. Now, are we clear? So, off you go. Come back only to sign the agreement, or else don't bother to show your face in here anymore.".

"P', it's already 7.00. Are you trying to avoid me?". The sound of that sulky voice woke me up from the bitter memory that kept coming back since last night. I smiled at the intruder and shook my head.

"No, I got a lot of work to finish".

"Why, can't you do it tomorrow?"

"Nope, I've already applied for a leave tomorrow".

"Leave? Going for a holiday?"

"Eyy, where to go in one day. No, just want to spend my time with you for the whole day".

"Are you asking me to a date?"

"Sometimes Joong, I wonder who is supposed to put an effort here. Seemed liked you miss a lot of my signals".

Joong moved to stand behind my seat, bent and hugged my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"Nope, you're wrong. I purposely missed your signals because I like it, when you start and spoil me rotten".

I turned my face sideways and gave him a surprise kiss. Joongs' face lightened up liked a Christmas tree.

"Hmm, I like this better, kissing you when I could see your reaction. Both times, it was too dark to see anything except your shadow", I said and gave him a second, lushful kiss.

Joong drew a sharp breath and stood back up. "Since when you become this way Nai? It's too..too..."

"Too what?", I asked and laugh lightly.


"Since back then, I had always wanted to kiss you, but...of course I didn't".

"That long?"


"You're right, lucky I couldn't read your corrupted mind too much, or I'll lose my innocence too soon. I'll be upstairs. Call me when you're done, we'll have dinner together", Joong had started to move towards the exit.

"Oh, you got your phone back?"

"Yes, why?"

"Thank God. My lips are safe for tonight", I said teasingly without looking at him and focusing my eyes back on the screen.

Suddenly, my chair was swiveled around and before I could say another word, a series of hard, sucking kisses was planted on my lips.

"I change my mind, not just for sleep, I'll kiss you whenever I feel like having one".

"And that is coming from someone who claimed my mind was corrupted", I said exasperatedly, a little disoriented.

"I have a good teacher". 

A last stolen peck and then he was gone.

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