Warm Rain

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"Nai....". The call that felt liked ages, came in at last.

"Where are you?!", I tried to be calm, but my voice sounded rushed. I didn't mean to, I just felt hurried.

"Turn around".

I turned immediately, and saw him standing there looking liked a wet puppy, yet the smile on his face was apparent.

The feeling of relief washed over me in tide, almost as if he was lost for such a long time.

Was this how he felt, the fear that everything could disappear anytime? Was the relief far greater than this?

I took a step, and another, and a few more after, faster than the ones before and finally stopped in front of him.

Joong kept smiling, but the obvious tremor on his lips showed that he was shivering.

"You came", he said to me.

"Hmm. Are you okay? Found what you looking for?".

Joong reached out, tidied up my wet unruly hair that was plastered on my forehead, and wiped away the raindrops that smeared my face. His hand moved down and rested on the side of my neck. His hand was cold, ice cold, but the part that he touched felt burnt nonetheless.

He was staring directly into my eyes. "Yes".

How come everything became so quiet? The rain, the voices, the footsteps on the gravel, every sound around us almost ceased to exist.

I shake my head to break the trance that surrounded us, and reached for his bags. As I was about to move, my left hand was grabbed and slowly our fingers were laced together. My eyes immediately raised up to look at his.

"Cold...". That excuse was lame. True.

I looked back at our hands; little laughs started to escape my lips.

Heart, let us be a fool for a while, shall we?

I tightened my hold, turned and started to walk ahead.

Joong was right, it did help to ease the coldness that we felt.


I might be pushed away for this. But I didn't care and take my chances.

I grabbed his hand and slowly laced our fingers together.

If Nine didn't want to, he could easily pull his hand away.

I could sense that, his eyes were questioning not just me, but also himself. My heart was about to burst.

"Cold...". What was that Joong?! But that was the only word that I could think of at the moment. True. It's cold. Regardless of whether it's logical to transfer heat by holding hands.

Nine laughed. He didn't even try to hide it.

I was about to pull my hand away, ready to be rejected again. But couldn't.

My fingers were laced tight. And then I was pull to take the steps following Nine.

I looked at the back of him, then looked up to the sky for a brief moment.

The rain had started to ease.

Make this last, please...

I tightened my hold, and prayed so hard. 

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