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"Nai, our café will be famous!!!", P'Mook was so excited when telling me this.

"How? We are not in Bangkok P', most of our customer will only be the locals".

"The boss said this morning that a big production house will use this café for shooting. Gosh, I hope famous actors will flock here".

"P', when a location is book, sometimes it was just used as a scene filler rather than the actual filming site. They may just shoot the building and used some other café's interior".

"Nai, be a little bit positive will you, I am already dreaming of meeting some gorgeous actors".

I just smile at P'Mook's enthusiasm. She was a movie and drama addict. Every actor was her dream guy, so it seemed.

This location was an odd choice for a filming site. Bangkok got a lot more famous and beautiful café, so why chose a faraway place at Chiang Mai just for a shoot?.

Not being in the production crew, I couldn't understand the scene value I guess.

Anyway, even if they used the interior as well, I wouldn't be involved, no, I shouldn't actually, it would be too risky to show my face to any production house, someone from when I worked with before might be in the team. 10 years, would anyone still remember?


"P'Mhee, the new production is searching for a less known location right?"

"Yes, we will go to whichever site they choose, so why do you ask?"

I opened my Instagram and show him the picture I was looking at.

"Why do you show me a lady with sunglasses? Your fan or what?"

"Yes, she's my fan, but, look closely".

"Joong, stop playing will you, just tell, my eyesight is already bad".

I pointed at the back of the picture, there's a back of someone wearing a white shirt.

"It's a white shirt, you had so many already, and what this got to do with filming location?".

"It's P'Nine".

"Joong, stop this, enough. How many times we did this Joong? Huh? Going somewhere just because someone looked like Nine. Because someone said they saw Nine. Now, because of a shirt? Pleaseee..."

"This time I'm sure it's him P'. I bought this shirt for him".

"Someone else could buy the same white shirt anywhere Joong!".

"Yes, but not with something that only I wrote".


I showed it to P'Mhee. P'Mhee just looked at it blankly.

"It's in Turkish, but I told P'Nine it meant nothing and was just a random calligraphy artwork". P'Mhee's eyes widened.

"So, where are we going again?"

"Chiang Mai".

I couldn't tell Nine what it meant, because what I wrote was,

 "Always Want To Eat Your Sweet Lips".

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