Tasteful Heart

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My heart was pounding hard. I still couldn't sleep.

It'd been hours after I left him down there.

I felt awkward. Divided. Longing to hold but also wanted to push away.

Don't disappear. He was adamant to stay, was it because he's afraid of that?

I was too tired to run anymore too.

Would it be easier to just let him go rather than try to untangle every pieces of mess up thread?

Would everything be forgotten with time? Would I live happily after that?

Do I really want to let go? Would I dare?

If it is, then why does my heart feel pain even just thinking about it?

Pain..pain.. God, why was I so careless!

I didn't even think about the pain that he felt due to the injury. My mind was too busy to digest he's here. I immediately left the comfort of my bed and went downstairs quietly.

Joong was asleep. His position was awkward; those long legs couldn't be contained within the length of the sofa. Due to the hot weather, his shirt was unbuttoned almost to the waist.

I tried to pry open his shirt as lightly as possible to see the swollen area. Joong used to sleep liked a log, such a heavy sleeper.

Suddenly a big hand was gripping my wrist, causing me to startle a bit.

"What do you want? Can't help to wait until the next day? Miss me that much?", he was saying this with only half-opened eyes and a sleepy smile. He sat up and try to shake his sleepiness away.

"Dream on. Let me see this", I said pointing to his shoulder.

"It's nothing, go back to sleep, you're still not well too, go up and rest".

"Want me to prove that this is not "nothing" ?"


I immediately pushed his shoulder as hard as my small hand allowed.

"SHITTT!!!", Joong hissed.

I just shrugged my shoulder and went to the kitchen.


I gritted my teeth in pain. I had forgotten, that small hand that looked delicate, used to spike volleyballs. I followed him into the kitchen as well.

"Are you going to cook? It's 3.00am now".

"Liked I never did that before?", he scoffed.

I just smiled widely.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing.. just that.. you remember".

He ignored me and continued to prepare the food, "You're not wearing your sling, it will strain the injured area. Sit first or else I pull another stunt".

I sat and looked at the back of him.

He used to be concerned about his chubby cheeks, but that loose shirt couldn't hide how slender he had become now.

The savage part was still the same. And, the caring part too.

My heart swell.

The sound of a boiling pot and the aroma filled the kitchen space. A bowl of hot soup with rice noodle was put in front of me.

"Eat up. Good night", he curtly said and was about to leave.

"Can't you stay?", I looked at him full with hope. I saw his eyes flickered in doubt, or discomfort.

"We don't have to talk at all if you don't want to, but please..".

He sighed and relented. The silence was only broken by the sound of me slurping continuously.


I spent my time watching while he ate. He's lefhanded, the injury forced him to use the right one. The way he handled the chopsticks and spoon looked weirdly funny.

Joong always had a big appetite. To cook for him late at night, how many times were uncountable. I nagged, but actually, it satisfied me whenever the bowl was licked clean and he was burping happily.

I was glad he asked. It gave me a reason to stay. My face might not show much, but I really wanted to baby him a little, I couldn't shake off the guilty feeling of leaving him to sleep on the sofa while he's not well.

"Your shoulder, sorry I pushed too hard".

He looked up and surprised that I said something.

"Don't mind me. Eat. I need to clean everything up after this, or else I will hear a thesis talk from the chef tomorrow. I am going to do it in the morning, but since I'm still here, might as well do it at once".

Joong continued to eat and slurping happily. The end was sealed with the smack of his lips.

"Hmm, a thesis talk... Someone that I know used to lecture me as well to clean the room", Joong suddenly continued where we left off.

"You're annoying; do you know that. I take back my sorry, should have pushed harder".

"You won't dare, I can play the sick card, you know?" he said with a cheeky face.

"Well, let see. ...", I pushed my chair and stood behind him.

"What are you...AOOOWWWWW!".

The teeth mark that I left on his shoulder must be deep.

I took his bowl and started to clean the kitchen.

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