Special Chapter 1: Joong's Jealousy

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[A/N: For special requests. I can't promise how many special chapters there will be, but here's the first one. Enjoy it as it comes, okay.]


I shut my phone off after it vibrated non-stop. Adam was looking at me questioningly. "Nothing. Sorry, Adam. Let just focus back to this lesson. So, where were we again?". The lesson continued for another hour. I needed to focus, only a month left before P'Mook's big day. I wanted to give her the best performance as a show of my deepest gratitude and love for her. A year ago, P'Mook met with a good man, a widower for almost ten years that lost his wife to sickness. I was so excited when she first told me about it, and also the on-coming wedding. She deserved this happiness, and someone to dote upon other than me.

After the lesson ended, I said goodbye to Adam. No more after class coffee; someone was so petty that even a simple light coffee was not allowed. This had become a loop, every weekend, I was trying so hard to not lose temper with a crazy jealous puppy that didn't understand the word "please trust me". The moment I switched the phone on again, my eyes rolled up, 20 missed call in an hour, almost a call for every 3 minutes. I took a deep breath before calling my beloved number.

"You got so much free time now? Weren't your fingers tired of punching my number so often?"

"Can't you answer at least once?"

"If you will stop at one, then I will, Joong Archen. But, you won't. And then, you'll be sulky again, saying I didn't give you enough time. There's no winning, whether I do or I don't".

"Why do you still need the lesson though? You can practice by yourself now". The baby had started to sulk again.

"Yes, I initially learnt it for P'Mook wedding's surprise, but, it has become something I felt interested in, to learn properly now".

"Must be because of the so-called good teacher".

"You're are always doubting my intention. If I acted like you, then I will mentally kill all your co-stars already".

"Oh, so you did feel jealous of my co-star, I thought you feel nothing, since you always sound so cool about it when I asked you".

I massaged my temple in resignation. This big baby always found a way to twist my word towards his own self-interpretation.

"Joong, Adam and I are friend. I'm sorry if you can't trust me, but there's a limit of this that I can take". I said the truth, if Joong kept acting this way, this would be a major setback in our relationship. Not about the jealousy, but about the trust issue.

"I trust you Nai. I really do. But, I can't help but feel that Adam still has not let you go yet. My instinct said so!". Truthfully, I also felt that way, but, I would never add more oil to Joong's possessiveness. After I'd made it known; of my status with Joong, Adam was a little down when I said friendship was all it could be between us, and if he was not comfortable, then we would just be professional about all this; a tutor-student relationship. Adam chose to be friend, said that although he still had hope for us to be more, he was mature enough to respect my decision. I also knew the limit; if it comes to a point where it will be impossible for us to stay as friend, I will cut it off directly with Adam.

"So, what should I do, Joong? You wanted me to stop the lesson? Okay, I'll give it up. You wanted me to stop befriending Adam? Okay, I'll tell him tomorrow. Anything else?". My voice was cold. I really would do what I said, but I won't say, it breaks my heart for him to trust me so little.

"I'm sorry...Nai, I'm so sorry..." I heard him took a deep remorseful breath. "I won't call you again during lesson..."

"And...", I asked, my voice still cold.

"I love you. I trust you. Please believe me, I trust you".

"Thank you", I released a breath of relief, and said, "Forgive me too, Joong. I'll video call you, on every break during the lesson too, will it do..hmm..big baby?".

"Not enough."

"Joongggg..." I tried to make my voice sounding stern.

"Must say "I love you" every day.... and when I come to see you next week, let's do more strenuous exercises than just kissing".

"Shut up, you pervert!"

With the sound of his laughter, I ended the call. Yet my smile couldn't be contained.

Can't wait for next week to come faster. 

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