Chapter 17 - ...Is Any Of This Even Real?...

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♡It's still raining in the story, hopefully it'll stop soon but you'll never know until you read the chapter... 😏 Enjoy! 😊

Also my title choices are stupid and they probably don't make any sense! But nobody complains so I guess there fine! 😂♡

Siren Head's P.o.v

I slowly rose from the ground. I didn't fully get up as I was still in pain.

The girl must have noticed as she seemed to flinch a bit more and in the process turn around.

Whilst the girl seemed to be in a world of thought, I slowly crawled up behind her. She just had her back turned a few feet away from me so I didn't have to move far, thankfully.

As soon as I reached her, I put my big hand on her shoulder as lightly as I could.

Of course, she flinched even more and slowly started to turn around. But as soon as she turned around she jumped back. This startled me but I didn't let it show.

She started to quickly back up to get away, but I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let what happened last time happen again...

Soon enough she had backed herself up against a tree, this was my chance! I slowly made my last few feet towards her. I was scared myself as I knew she was scared too, of me of course. She had her eyes closed and she couldn't stop trembling...but the move I made next was finally a good one...

Your P.o.v (Continuing on from the last chapter)

As soon as the silence became too much for me and had gotten me curious on what was happening, I felt a heavy weight land on my...head? The weight would lift then go back down onto my head and repeat itself.

Slowly I opened my eyes and lifted my head up as much as I could.

There, sitting crossed legged in front of me, was the creature, and it was p-p-patting me head?! I couldn't go anywhere as the creature seemed keen on staying is this position. Why was it patting my head? I don't know but I...enjoyed it...

It felt calming, as if to say that I'm safe....

But how the heck am I safe when this thing tried to attack me?! Why would I even think that?!

As much as I didn't want to this, I knew I had no choice-

....I need answers...

I quickly coughed to clear my throat, the creature immediately stopped patting me and lowered it's hand down to it's side. To be honest I felt like it even moved a bit closer...

"" I said this while slightly waving too.


'Great, what kind of start was that?! Do I think that this thing will reply with a "hello" back after everything that's happened?! I'm so pathetic... -_-' ( The face you make when you think these thoughts 😅)

Suprisingly, the creature...actually waved back?...

But before I could reply, I started to sneeze constantly in between words.

Can *sneeze* you *sneeze* speak? *sneeze*

I started to shake uncontrollably too, but I still tried to ask questions.

W-w- what's *sneeze* y-your *sneeze* n-na- *SnEeZiNg InTenSiFiEs!!!!*

But before I could try to repeat my questions again, the creature crawled right up to me and put one of it's large hands onto my forehead. This gave me goosebumps from it's cold touch but I allowed it as I wasn't in the best shape or form to stop the creature from doing it.

It looked like it was...examining me, but my vision started to become hazy. Before I lost sight of everything, I saw the creature write two words into the soft, dirt/soil ground with it's long, sharp like claws...

'...Siren Head...'

Then I blacked out...

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