Chapter 16 - A Slight Problem...

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♡You all thought I was probably dead right?... Well, incase you're wondering, I actually do have a life outside of this book! 😂 I'm trying to grow my channel on YouTube and I recently got roblox which I can't stop playing! 😅 At some point I'll tell you guys my roblox name and YouTube channel when we reach a certain chapter or something, I don't know yet? 😂😊 Anyways enjoy Chapter 16 😊💕 ♡

Your P.o.v

The wind started to pick up more with the rain, thunder and lightning. I had the wire loose enough to take off, but before I could do that the creature started to move. I wasn't sure how to react to this as I wasn't prepared to deal with the actual creature yet!

I mean, sure I'm helping it and I shouldn't be freaking out. It's probably still really weak from the wire and it wouldn't have enough energy to attack me. It should also be thankful, right?!...

I tried to calm myself down with these thoughts but whilst I was mentally freaking out, I hadn't noticed the creature actually get up.

Suddenly I felt something big and heavy on my shoulder, this stopped my thoughts completely as I hesitatently turned my head around.

'Please no! Please no! Please no!-' This was what I chanted in my head as I kept turning as slowly as I could to face the object that was now right behind me. But of course, when I wish for something bad not to be there, a bad thing HAS to be there!

I opened my eyes and shrieked. Of couse the creature was wide awake and it was the one behind me.

I started to quickly back up from it once I faced it. The creature didn't look too tired, meaning it must have been up for awhile. This kind of scared me more as it probably had enough energy to chase after me if I fled or even enough to end me. Considering this, running wasn't really an option.

I hadn't noticed that I had backed myself up against a tree, which sucks big time for me!...

I could try to climb the tree, but that thing it 40 feet tall, what good would climbing the tree do?! I wouldn't escape it that way and with its long arms it could grab me now before I got the chance to trick it.

I felt defeated as I sat there, my back up against the tree even more with sad eyes as I knew I couldn't do anything else. This was it for me.

So I sat there...waiting.

And waiting....

More waiting......

But nothing every happened...until-

♡I feel like this is straight up mean to leave you guys with cliffhangers but I feel like it's useful for the story if that makes sense? 😅 Hopefully Chapter 17 will be out sooner then this one took to put up. Thanks for reading so far! 😊♡

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