Chapter 24 (Part 1) - That went...well

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Again, this chapter is also going to be made into 2 parts due to it being so long. Thank you all for the support and I'll be sure to reply to everyone who commented in the last update I wrote about how I felt. Enjoy guys! ^w^ No Siren head song this time, but nice, soothing, nightime sounds! UwU 👌

Your P.o.v

It was late in the night, 11.34pm to be exact as I checked the time on my laptop.

Myself, Siren Head and (P/n) had just finished watching another one of the "3 scary games" videos made by Markiplier.

I honestly thought they were scary, apart from when Mark would make the situations in the games seem funny!

Before that we had watched the Bois - EddieVR, Mully, JoshDub, Your Narrator, JuicyFruitSnacks and Reeekid do another one of their skits and some of each of their own videos.

We also watched a bit of Jacksepticeye, Aphmau, The Game Theorists (Mat Pat) and some cool animations and memes.

Siren Head seemed to have enjoyed all of the YouTubers and their videos, I honestly thought Jacksepticeye was his number one favourite! I didn't know why though, probably because he's hilarious.

(P/n) was fast asleep on Siren Head's head, letting out soft purrs from his/her slumber.

When the video ended with Mark doing his outro, I turned to Siren Head to see his reaction.

"Well, what did you think of that video?" I asked.

Siren Head lowered his hand to the ground and he started to write, which I read out once he was finished as I always did.

"It wasn't bad..."

....what? He didn't find any of it scary?! The jumpscares at least?!

"Surely something scared you?!" I said

Siren Head just shrugged his shoulders.

I sighed before thinking about his answer.

He was technically something scary himself, but he never acted like it ever since I started talking to him.

What does he actually look like scared?...

After thinking that, I really wanted to scare him! I was curious...

Whilst I was thinking out my plan, I hadn't notice that Siren Head was staring at me yet again.

After my train of thought ended, I went back to the laptop. I started to look up ideas that were sure to scare him! They were videos I hadn't seen before but they were said to be scary when I searched up the most terrifying videos.

I turned back to him and looked at his head.
"How about one or two more videos?...Just for, fun?..." I said.
Siren Head didn't move his hand down to write into the ground to answer, but simply just nodded his head in agreement.

I didn't want to tell him that these videos were supposed to be way worse and horrifying, that would ruin the chance of him getting scared by it way more. I wanted to succeed in this!

It could be something I finally succeed in, even if it was just a joke....

I returned to the real world and answered him.

"Let the binge-a-ton begin then!"

Next part will be out in 2-3 days. Just as a pre-warning, it may be a bit full on. Nothing inappropriate or pain/abuse. Just some negative thoughts. No self harm either! Letting you guys know before hand. 😊

Siren Head X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ