Chapter 23 (Part 1) - To The Internet

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I made this into 2 parts because it's so long and I feel bad for not putting up a chapter sooner! :,)

Your P.o.v

To be honest, I should've expected that he didn't know anything about YouTubers, or the internet to be exact.

And after hearing him say those three words, I face palmed before walking into the house with nothing else said.

Siren Head soon realised he couldn't follow me in because of his height, so he just waited outside for my return.

I walked up my staircase to my room. I saw my phone lying on my desk but that wasn't what I was looking for.

After minutes of searching around my room, including the very unorganised space under my bed, I finally found what I was looking for.

My laptop.

Once I had reserfaced from under the bed, I looked up to see (P/n) sitting on my bed staring right back into my (E/c) eyes.

"Hey buddy! I haven't seen you all day or before I fell asleep last night, where have you been?"

(P/n) staredat me until he/she then ran out of the room, coming back a few minutes later with one his/her favourite cat toys.

"Aww! Were you playing this whole time?" I asked which I also found adorable.

(P/n) shook his/her head then jumped up onto my bed, using his/her paw to gently pat the bed.

"Oh! Were you asleep?"

(P/n) nodded his/her little, furry head before jumping back down and grabbing his/her toy and placing it in my hand.

"Oh..I see, you want me to play with you, right? And you were asleep this whole time on my bed?"

Again he/she nodded and started to nudge the toy again firmer into my hand.

"I'm sorry (P/n) I can't right now, I'm in the middle of a very serious crisis!" I said.

(P/n) gave me a puzzled look.

I replied by saying "Siren Head doesn't know what YouTubers are"

(P/n) gave me a look that kind of said 'oh I see'.

"But you can join us if you like? And after something to eat then we can play together, deal?" Was what I said as I gradually made my way down stairs with the laptop, whilst keeping an eye on (P/n) to see what he/she would decide do.

After what looked like (P/n) thinking, he/she then started to follow me down the stairs to the back door.

"I knew you'd come!" I chirped happily.

Once I made it outside with the laptop and (P/n), I looked for Siren Head but I couldn't find him.

Which is quite bizzare as he's 40 FEET TALL! O-o

I went around the front of the house and luckily, he was there.

But what he was doing caught me off guard.

Siren Head was there alright, but he was sitting crossed legged on the ground with his back turned.

I slowly walked up to him with (P/n) following close by.

When I was finally in front of him, I noticed his reason for being on the ground.


Which will be in part two of the chapter, the next part should be up in 1-2 days! 😊

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