Chapter 14 - To The Rescue?...

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♡Before you continue, I've gotten a lot of comments asking about the story and questions to do with the plot of the story. I will answer and reply to all of the comments once the story has more written and I will definitely be continuing the story, but I have other things to work on to you know! 😂 Anyways enjoy! 😊♡

Your P.o.v

After (P/n) ran on ahead I chased after him/her and I didn't stop.

I kept calling his/her name but not once did (P/n) turn around or come back to me. My only option was to continue my chase in my now fully soaked clothes as the rain and thunder continued.

After a while, I saw we were making it to a clearing. I was quite relieved at this because I didn't want to run anymore and I hoped that (P/n) would stop here. I couldn't take the running anymore.

I slowed to a light jog, then to a very slow walk. Panting nonstop, I had my hands on my knees and I was bent over to try catch my breath.

"(P/n)...*pant..y-you- *pant* better..have a good...*pant*...reason for *pant*. These were the only words I was able to speak as I was still out of breath.

When I caught my breath (finally!) I decided to look around as see why (P/n) had finally stopped. Not that I'm not grateful for him/her stopping, I'm just curious.

But when I looked up...I felt like the whole world has stopped, and I was the one controlling it...

There...lying a good few feet away from me...was that creature from earlier.

I know I was scared of it before but this...This sight was a whole new other level.

It was caught in what appeared to be a high electric wire, that dug right into its body. This made an oozing, black liquid escape it's body and make a pool around the creature.

My first thought was that it was blood, but the liquid was a black colour...maybe it was it's own sort of blood? Since its not a human?...

I hadn't noticed (P/n) lie down beside the creature's head as I slowly made my way towards both of them.

My first intention was to take (P/n) and get out of here. Whatever happened to the creature was probably going to happen to me if I stayed around long enough. I went to grab (P/n)...the creature stirred.

It didn't wake up fully giving me time to act, but that's when (P/n) had his/her chance to look at me...and the way he/she looked at me broke my heart...

His/her eyes...his/her big, green eyes that were once filled with joy and love...we're now filled with sadness...fear...and hope...

I saw him/her with that look before, when I realised that my parents were truly missing. I know (P/n) isn't human and a lot of people would probably say I'm stupid, but...when I saw him/her give me that look 5 years ago...It made me feel warm inside, knowing that I had this little bundle of joy by my side to keep me sane.

When (P/n) first faced me, he/she knew what my actions were going to be. To pick him/her up and leave the creature to fend for whatever was left of it. And after seeing the look he/she gave me...I knew that wouldn't be easy.

"Look...I know that creature hasn't hurt me, and it appears to have liked you when you had the chance to be with it, before I stopped it. But I know this thing isn't normal, it's not something common that the world knows about. It could be dangerous...I can't risk that..."

I know it's probably really stupid to be talking to a cat about how I feel but... I always felt that (P/n) wasn't an ordinary cat. He/she has a way of knowing what I say and he/she appears to listen too.

(P/n) looked at me one more time before turning back to the creature to sit by its head again, and that last look he/she gave me...was the last one I needed before I made my descion...

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