Chapter 18 - Lending A Hand

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♡Just to let you guys know that this should be the last chapter of rain. ThAnK gOd! 😂😊♡

Siren Head's P.o.v

As soon as I was close enough, I placed one of my hands onto her head. I started to pat her head which I thought would work to show I meant no harm, since it worked for (P/n) when he/she let me pet him/her.

Luckily enough, it seemed to have worked. She opened her eyes and slightly looked up to me. This really pleased me as this was the first time she actually looked at me, but with less fear in her eyes...

I continued patting her head repeativly until she coughed slightly.

I automatically stopped patting her and let my hand fall to my side.
'Was she going to say something?...' I moved a bit closer to show she had my attention. I think this scared her a bit but she didn't let it show fully.

I waited for her to make the first move.

"" She gave a little wave when she said this.

'..........' I said nothing in return.

'Great, what kind of start was that?! I know last time I tried to talk to her it didn't end well. I almost bursted her eardrums! If I try to talk to her now along with being so close to her too, it'll probably cause worse problems for her... Damn it I'm so stupid! Do something me!'

The only thing that came to my mind was to give a wave back to her. She looked suprised by this, but before she could reply, she started to do something which I think is known as...sneezing?

Can *sneeze* you *sneeze* speak? *sneeze*

She started to shake uncontrollably too, but she still tried to ask me questions.

W-w- what's *sneeze* y-your *sneeze* n-na- Her sneezing and shaking started to get worse by the second.

But bofore she could try to repeat her questions to me again, I crawled right up to her and placed one of my hands onto her forehead. I think this also startled her but she didn't say anything about it, I don't think she could eitherway with the condition she was in.

I think I was...examining her? I remember seeing a human do this to another human when they acted a bit like the girl right now. I remember some of the things the human did to the other human to help him, so I'll try them with the girl.

She looked like she was about to pass out, but before she could I quickly wrote something in the ground.

'...Siren Head...'

Then she blacked out.

(Continuing on with the story. Still Siren Head's P.o.v)

As soon as she had fully passed out. I got up as quickly as I could, but I soon regretted it.

I stumbled to the ground. My sirens made a slow whirring sound, to show I was trying to catch my breath along with groaning.

I was on the ground for awhile when I was trapped so my legs were quite weak. Those humans that were here earlier must had done something to my leg as well because I felt like screaming from the pain. I looked down to see I had lots of gashes, open wounds and scars all over my stomach. They weren't my priority at the moment as I still had to help the girl, but they still hurt.

I quickly looked down to my leg to see a big open gash on my leg. I didn't know what to do about it as I was more worried about the girl. So I tried to attend to her. I got off the ground as carefully as I could and I use a tall tree nearby to gain my balance.

It hurts to move my leg so I'll probably have to limp.

I moved back over to girl, which now had a sleeping cat on her chest.

'(P/n)...I forgot all about him/her...'

As quickly and carefully as I could, I picked up (P/n) and place him/her on my shoulder. I made sure he/she was in a secure postion there before I went to pick up the girl.

Once I picked her up. I placed her in my arm. (Like how you'd cradle a baby 😅) I them moved (P/n) closer to girl before I started making my sore journey back to the place where it all started...

Her house.

♡To Be Continued... 😊♡

Siren Head X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora