We All Run

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Talia: (:D yeah that would be interesting) 21:35 

Gracie thinks about things she could maybe do to help Derrick. 21:36 

Talia noms on an oreo 21:36 

Gracie: Hey, if all else fails, we could just lock the two of them in the attic like we did for you and Chris. 21:36 

Talia: That was horrible. Do you realize how many spiders were up there???? 21:37 

Talia shudders 21:37 

Gracie: (RR says, "People change.") 21:37 

Gracie: (I just said, "True...") 21:37 

Talia: (good answer RR!) 21:38 

Gracie giggles. "No, I didn't, but I bet Chris put poison up there afterwards." 21:38 

Talia: They're nasty freaking bugs >?.< 21:39 

Talia is cold again -_- 21:39 

Talia wraps up in a bajillion blankets 21:39 

Gracie: ... They're technically arachnids... Not bugs... They have eight legs, not six. 21:39 

Talia: No they aren't insects. But they are bugs 21:40 

Talia 's feet and hands are cold 21:41 

Gracie rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, I think the attic is unoriginal since it's already been done. We need another idea..." 21:42 

Gracie drops a blanket on Talia and tucks her in. 21:42 

Talia: Yay! A bajillion and one blankets now! 21:42 

Talia: The basement! 21:43 

Talia curls up in a little ball under all of her blankets 21:44 

Gracie laughs. "Basements aren't romantic at all. At least the attic was cozyish and had a window..." 21:45 

Talia: Basements are spooooooookyyyyy 21:45 

Talia: Meeeep my toes are cold 21:46 

Chris joined the chat 21:47 

Chris walks downstairs and sits next to Talia. "Hey. I got bored in the library. Watcha girls up to?" 21:47 

Talia: Talking about how to get Derrick hooked up with Andrea 21:48 

Chris grimaces. "That's disgusting. " 21:48 

Gracie laughs. 21:49 

Talia laughs 21:49 

Talia: since the attic was already used once Gracie doesn't want to do that again 21:49 

Talia sits close to Chris 21:50 

Chris wraps an arm around her shoulders and rolls his eyes. "Well, you could always make them get lost in the caves under the old mansion... Of course, chances are, he'd rape her, knowing that asshole..." 21:51 

Talia: That is so horrible Chris. Don't even joke 21:52 

Chris: Well, he IS a jerk. Look, if he ever did, I'd probably kill him. 21:53 

Gracie bites her lip and makes a reminder to not tell Chris about how Derrick made her cry, right below the reminder to take some cookies and hot coco up to Sierra later. 21:54 

Talia: Good! But he pry won't. I think they were talking for a couple times earlier in the week 21:54 

Talia hugs Chris because she's still cold 21:56 

Gracie: Yeah, I think so. 21:56 

Chris smiles at Talia and kisses her forehead. 21:57 

Talia blushes and rests her head on Chris's chest 21:59 

Talia: so you think Andrea and Derrick are a no go, Chris? 21:59 

Chris: Well, I don't know, Talia. Anything could happen, I guess. And I don't know Andrea very well. Maybe she's the kind of girl that could actually handle him. 22:01 

Talia shrugs "She couldn't handle a mouse. I doubt she could handle him" 22:02 

Gracie: Oh, she could too. Andrea's awesome. I think she could handle anything. 22:04 

Gracie eats a vanilla cookie. 22:04 

Talia: Obviously not. She ran from something. That's why she's here afterall. 22:05 

Gracie: Well... I ran too... 22:05 

Gracie feels slightly offended. 22:05 

Talia: So did I. Hell. I didn't want to grow up on the damn street. 22:06 

Chris pulls Talia a little closer, grimacing at what she just said. 22:08 

Talia hugs Chris "Well it's true!" 22:09 

Gracie: Well, Derrick must have something that he couldn't handle either. Otherwise, he wouldn't have left district nine either. 22:10 

Talia: Honestly we all ran from something or else we wouldn't be here 22:10 

Chris: Well, not exactly... I don't think I would have left if Gracie hadn't sent me that letter asking me to join here here... 22:13 

Talia: Okay besides Chris cuz he's just awesome like that Nov 15 

Chris laughs. "Damn right, I am." 22:14 

Gracie rolls her eyes. "And so humble too." 22:14 

Talia laughs 22:15 

Talia: is humble a trait of awesomeness? 22:15 

Chris: Probably not. That's why I don't have it. 22:16 

Gracie rolls her eyes again because she knows Chris is actually super humble and is only acting this way around Talia to make her laugh. 22:16 

Talia pokes Chris "No awesomeness for you" 22:17 

Chris pokes her back. "You're awesome enough for the both of us, so it's fine." 22:17 

Talia giggles and kisses Chris 22:18 

Chris kisses her back. 22:19 

Talia: There, I just gave you some of my awesomeness :D 22:19 

Gracie: Ugh, quit it. You guys aren't supposed to be cute like Ryn and RR. You're CHALIA, for goodness sakes. 22:20 

Chris laughs and jokes, "Well, I'm more than happy to make out with her and nearly rip her clothes off, if THAT's what you want..." 22:20 

Gracie: NO! Not in front of me at least! 22:21 

Talia blushes 22:21 

Chris laughs louder. 22:21 

Gracie palmfaces and eats a cookie. 22:22 

Talia shakes her head at Chris 22:23 

Chris smiles at Talia. "What? It's fun seeing her flip out." 22:24 

Gracie: It. Is. NOT! 22:24 

Gracie eats another cookie angrily. 22:24 

Talia laughs "Yeah it is Gracie" 22:24 

Gracie gives them both a look. "Don't make me lock you both in the attic with tons of spiders carrying deadly bacteria..." 22:25 

Talia: EWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?! 22:26 

Chris grows a bit pale when she mentions the bacteria. 22:26 

Gracie grins at their reactions. "Yep. That's what I thought." 22:26

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