Who Is Casper?

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Sapphire feels her dress get caught... "uh oh..." 22:48 

Peter walks over to the drink area and grabs a soda and notices a boy standing there 22:48 

Peter: uh ... hey. 22:48 

Casper: What? 22:48 

Anna: (Omg this video is going to be so good.) 22:48 

Peter: (Robin, that was to you) 22:49 

Robin looks up "Hey." 22:49 

Peter: Cool costume. 22:49 

Robin feels awkward without his hoodies on. (DEAD GIVEAWAY) 22:49 

Robin: *hoodie 22:49 

Robin: Thanks. Nice costume you have yourself. 22:50 

Sage sits at her table and stares at the bubbles in her champagne 22:50 

Peter: (No fair!! I don't know who wears hoodies!!!) 22:50 

Peter laughs a little 22:50 

Peter: Thanks. This was kinda last minute, don't cha think? 22:50 

Robin shrugs. "Im not much of a fashion person..." 22:51 

Peter: (WAIT YES I DO I THINK!!!!) 22:51 

Robin: (It's not Lucas or Chase.) 22:51 

Lace quietly eats another oreo. 22:51 

Peter: I'm not much of a party person but I guess we both got dragged into this. 22:51 

Lace: (Shane.) 22:51 

Sage sings Weightless quietly "Turn a page, I'm a book half unread" 22:52 

Sapphire: my dress is caught. back up. 22:52 

Peter: (Darn. Oh well. No drama tonight then.) 22:52 

Sapphire looks at the rocks that it's caught between. 22:52 

Casper backs up. "Let me try to get it out." 22:53 

Killer: (I think that Casper and Sapphire are the only one's I don't know who it is ....) 22:53 

Sapphire tugs on her dress. "No, stay back." 22:54 

Sapphire: I have this. (Dont ruin my plan bro!!) 22:54 

Casper: Okay, if you say so... But you might rip it. 22:54 

Killer: (LOL how did it get caught in rocks???) 22:54 

Casper: (okay...) 22:54 

Sapphire: (I dont know, lets not look at the details) 22:54 

Anna rolls around bored 22:55 

Anna jams again 22:55 

Lace watches everyone, still trying to figure out who is who and wonders if Chris decided to come down since she did spend about two hours trying to talk him into it. 22:55 

Sapphire looks up and tugs on the dress again. 22:55 

Sapphire manges to pull the dress out while also pulling out a few rocks above her. 22:56 

Sapphire sees the rocks fall toward her head, she lets out a quick scream before feeling the rocks collide with her head. 22:57 

Casper widens his eyes. "Shit!" 22:57 

Prince Charming looks over to the scream 22:58 

Sapphire falls to her knees the blacks out. 22:58 

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