District Five

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Name: David

Age: 19

Hair: Sandy blonde hair

Eyes: Chocolate brown

Past: David’s dad died of natural causes. His mother remarried and his half-brother, Jack, was born. He worked in the power plants for most of his life because he needed to provide for his family. His stepfather didn’t work much and his mother was usually sick. Because Jack was picked on a lot, so David got into a lot of fights growing up because he would always defend him. David had been planning to leave for two years but the thing that finally pushed him overboard was his mom dying. Gracie found him and Jack in the woods and they soon moved in with her. David has a crush on Gracie, but hasn’t asked her out yet.

Name: Jack

Age: 16

Hair: Light blonde hair

Eyes: Green

Past: Jack came out of the closet when he was thirteen. He’d been picked on all his life because he was always the small, scrawny kid. He has freckles across his cheeks. He’s very shy, sweet, and tender-hearted. He has a small crush on Chase even though he knows Chase is straight and dating Sierra. He adores Zoe and never minds giving her a piggyback ride when she asks for it. 

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