Chalia --- Part Two

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Chris realizes he hardly ever calls her by her actual name and usually only calls her Bitch... 15:56 

Gracie runs downstairs and hugtackles Gus and Wolfe. 15:56 

Talia: (lol that is SO true!!!) 15:56 

Gracie: YOU GUYS! I MISSED YOU! 15:56 

Chris: Um... Want a hug or something? 15:56 

Wolfe gets hug tackled 15:56 

Talia laughs. "Sure." Sep 18 

Augustus gets hug tackled Sep 18 

RR: (OMG DO IT DO IT DO IT) 15:57 

Ryn pokes RR's side. 15:57 

Ryn: You are going to smile. 15:57 


RR bursts out laughing 15:57 

Chris awkwardly sits down next to Talia and hugs her. 15:57 

Wolfe: Hey Gracie. Long time no see. Your face looks like it got hit by a bus. And you're scarred to. What happened there? 15:57 

RR: (MY FEELS, MY FEELS!) 15:57 

Talia hugs Chris. 15:57 

Gracie shrugs. 15:58 

Gracie: A mutt attacked me. I think I'm just going to wear a mask. 15:58 

Gracie: You know, like the phantom of the opera? But I'll be the phantom of the mansion! 15:58 

Talia: Thanks for the door again. It's soo amazing 15:58 

Wolfe: Will it heal? 15:58 

Gracie nods. 15:59  

Augustus: Where's Talia? 15:59 

Gracie: She's in her room, Gus. 15:59 

Augustus runs upstairs 15:59 

Augustus: Talia!!! 15:59 

Talia facepalms. 15:59 

Chris pulls away from Talia. 15:59 

Chris: Umm... 15:59 

Talia: Great timing... 15:59 

Wolfe: Good. Because if anyone's going to be wearing a mask it's going to be me. Masks are badass. 15:59 

Ryn: I win! 15:59 

Gracie laughs. 15:59 

Gracie: I just don't like the scars.. 16:00 

RR: Pft. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrreeeeeeee. 16:00  

RR sticks tongue out at Ryn 16:00 

Gracie: I almost died a few days ago... 16:00 

Wolfe: Calm down Augustus. Sep 18 

Gracie giggles. 16:00 

Augustus knocks on Talia's door Sep 18 

Talia stands up and puts the necklace on quickly. 16:00 

Chris: Uh.... should I hide or...? 16:01 

Gracie: (Wolfe, I found out something funny last night..) 16:01 

Talia: No um... Just stay in here 16:01 

Ryn kisses RR. 16:01 

Augustus: I can hear you through the door Chris. It's fine. 16:01 

Chris: Um... oh... 16:01 

Outside the DistrictsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ