Hungover Gracie

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Andrea: Okay.. 19:42 

Gracie rubs her temples. 19:43 

Andrea sips her water 19:44 

Gracie sighs. "So, since I'm not going to get drunk or party tonight, what should we do?" 19:46 

Andrea looks up "You're not going to get drunk?" Nov 5 

Gracie: No. What if I start making out with you next? Wouldn't want that, would we? 19:47 

Andrea sighs "Good, and no we wouldn't.." 19:47 

Gracie laughs. "I'm sure Derrick would love it though! He'd start shipping Ancie." 19:48 

Andrea: He..? What? 19:48 

Andrea: Gosh no.. Tracie all the way 19:49 

Gracie shakes her head and pats Andrea's head. 19:49 

Gracie frowns when she thinks Tracie could also mean Tanner and Gracie rather than Talia and Gracie... 19:50 

Andrea: (omg!) 19:50 

Gracie: Trust me, Andrea, you don't want to! He's a jerk. 19:50 

Andrea: (I ship it!!!) 19:50 

Gracie (palmface.) 19:50 

Andrea: (Granner!) 19:50 

Gracie: (You also ship Jase, but that is taking forever to happen!) 19:51 

Andrea: (Grr I know :( ) 19:51 

Gracie: (Patience, Grasshopper. It will hopefully happen eventually.) 19:52 

Andrea: Oh okay... I don't like jerks 19:53 

Andrea: (:D) 19:53 

Gracie: ... Only twisted people do. 19:53 

Andrea: Yeah... So what should we do? 19:54 

Gracie shrugs and wonders how Derrick and Matt are since they're sharing a room in the old mansion... 19:55 

Derrick joined the chat 10 seconds ago 19:57 

Derrick walks inside. 19:57 

Derrick: Hey, Gracie. I heard you got drunk and were all over some guy last night. 19:58 

Gracie gulps. "I wasn't." 19:58 

Derrick: Whatever you say, babe. 19:58 

Derrick sees a new chick. "Hello there..." 19:58 

Andrea glances at the guy that thinks he's cool but obviously isn't... "That's Derrick isn't it?" 19:59 

Derrick smirks. "Yes, that's my name." 19:59 

Andrea: I hear you're a jerk 19:59 

Derrick: You hear correctly. 20:00 

Derrick sits down in his usual armchair. 20:00 

Gracie rolls her eyes. 20:00 

Andrea rolls her eyes also 20:00 

Gracie elbows Talia and whispers in her ear, "Remember how you said he was off his game that one day and then his attitude got worse again?" 20:01 

Talia nods 20:02 

Gracie whispers, "Well, don't do it again!" 20:02 

Talia grins 20:03 

Derrick: You know, if you want to talk about how hot I am, you don't have to whisper about it, Gracie. Just say it to my face. 20:03 

Gracie glares at Derrick. "I was just telling her how you look like shit." 20:04 

Talia: Oh we weren't talking about how hot you are, which you aren't. We were saying how usually when you see a new girl you're all over her but today you're kinda off again. 20:04 

Talia laughs at what Gracie said 20:04 

Gracie gives Talia an "Are you KIDDING me?!" look. 20:04 

Derrick laughs. "You know what? So are you, Talia. Usually I hear at least ten insults before I'm halfway through the door." 20:06 

Andrea raises an eyebrow at what Talia said 20:06 

Talia frowns and shrugs "I've been trying to be nice. I guess it's not my forte" 20:07 

Derrick: Well, maybe I'M trying to be nice. Maybe Andrea deserves for a guy to be nice instead of hitting on her like a pig. 20:08 

Talia rolls her eyes "You have fun then" 20:09 

Derrick smirks. "Trust me, babe. I have more fun than you could ever handle." 20:10 

Gracie ignores Derrick because she's still thinking about David and Tanner. 20:10 

Andrea doesn't really like Derrick or Talia so she daydreams and stares at the floor 20:11 

Rosalie joined the chat 20:12 

Derrick: Hey, Gracie, so it's not true? What I heard about you making out with someone? 20:13

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