Surprise Surprise(Jo Yuri) [Requested]

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Genre: Angst & Fluff
Requested by: @FlavoredIceOnAStick  &
I combined y'all I hope you guys don't mind(*'ー`*)


"Jo Yuri, give me attention." You whined as your girlfriend sat at her desk studying for her test tomorrow.

"Not right now y/n I need to study..." You rolled around her bed and opted in her direction even though she wasn't looking at you.

"Can I at least help you study?" You asked, hoping she would allow that amount of interaction.

She groaned in annoyance and dug her hands in her hair out of frustration, "No, Y/n. You don't even have the same class as me so you wouldn't understand."

Her voice came out stern and you began to feel bad for bothering her with your presence.

"I can still try..." your voice came out just above a whisper.

"I said No, y/n!" You flinched at her raised voice.

Bowing your head in embarrassment, you apologized quickly.

Yuri let out a huff without turning to look at you and continued to write on her notes. The atmosphere began to feel suffocating and you sat up on her bed watching her back.

You didn't see the point of her inviting you over if she was just going to sit and study, you respected her needing to study and all but why was she being so bitter towards you?

After sitting and waiting for her to say something, you decided it'd be best if you left.

It sucks when you feel like you're annoying the one person you want to be with the most.

Standing up from the bed you grabbed your bag and told her your parents told you to come home which in return all she responded with was an 'ok', again, not even turning to look at you.

You didn't even bother trying to give her a goodbye hug or kiss, afraid it might make her sour mood go worse.

On your way home you looked up at the cloudy sky and sighed. Your birthday was next week and tomorrow you and Yuri were supposed to go on a date to discuss plans regarding it.

You really wanted to go on a trip together for the weekend where it was just the two of you, but the way she's been acting lately has been making you worry.You wanted to put it out as an idea, so she doesn't know about this yet.

The thought that maybe she was finally bored with your relationship tormented you. Maybe this is where it all ends for you both.


The next day, you weren't sure if you were even 'allowed' to text Yuri. Her test was during her first period today so you did your best to refrain from causing her any distractions while she took it.

When lunch came around, you went to the table where the rest of the girls were already at. You sat down as they all greeted you and continued with their previous chatter.

You turned towards Nako and tapped her shoulder, "Have you seen Yuri? Is she still taking her test?"

She scrunched her brows in confusion, "Huh?? She was the first one to finish her test."

You gave her a look of confusion in return and sighed.

Eunbi looked over at you both and piped in, "Oh Yuri? I saw her walking around with Hyewon out in the courtyard it seemed like it was a pretty serious talk."

One so serious that even you couldn't be a part of? She was your girlfriend for crying out loud, did she not trust you?

You shook your head in disappointment while poking around your food.

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