Don't give in (Kim Minjoo) [Requested]

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Requested by: @sj_250

Trigger Warning: Self Harm- know that I do not condone or encourage any form of self-harm please seek help from others you trust or talk to me if you are struggling with self-harm.

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She's not even that attractive...

Why would she want to date her? she's better off dating someone else

Minjoo is way out of her league

Do us all a favor and leave, no one likes you in this fandom

Your frown deepened as you continued scrolling through the endless comments on the article 'Kim Minjoo and Y/N Y/L/N: Are They Really a Good Match?'.

For the most part, it seemed as if everyone agreed that you both weren't a good match, you being the bad egg of the relationship.

You couldn't understand why people loved to degrade and beat down on other relationships that weren't theirs, to begin with, they were happy, couldn't they just accept that and move on?

Granted there were positive comments, way more than the hate comments actually. But it was only human instinct to dive into your insecurities even further and beyond breaking-point.

You went into the kitchen of your apartment to try and get rid of the negative energy clouding your head. It wasn't easy at all.

Especially for you, you had made it a habit to dwell on things that shouldn't even be important to you.

But it was almost like an addiction, unhealthy.

You searched through the cabinets for food in a hurry to do something but you were too distracted.

You let a frustrated sigh out while scratching your head with both hands, a nervous habit you developed whenever your anxiety would start to act upon you.

Then another thought came into your head, no, not a thought, an itch.

Of course, how else would you be able to get rid of this itch that was eating at you alive?

This itch that you wanted to relieve through nothing other than pain.


You couldn't you had to stop yourself before it was too late.

Come on y/n, come on find something to do, distract yourself dammit just don't give in.

Please don't give in.

You continued searching around the apartment for something to do, but there was nothing you could think of from distracting you from this pain that had permanently settled over your chest and mind.

You looked at your phone for the time, you only had an hour before Minjoo would be done with her meet and greet.

You'll be ok for that long, right?

You had to try for Minjoo's sake, you didn't want her to see this side of you.


30 minutes had passed and it seemed like the itch had only intensified x2.

You couldn't take it anymore.

You gave in.

Your hands trembled at your side as you made your way over to the bathroom with a familiar toolbox in hand. Your earlier thoughts of finding a distraction completely vanished now.

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