Bully or Lover? Part 2 (Jeon Heejin)

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A/N: Part 2 will be written in the 3rd pov unlike the first part had been written, also I lied this will not be a very fluffy part hehehe sorry:P


Walking into school you didn't really know what to expect. After the incident that happened at the dinner with Heejin and her family at your house, you were sort of lost.

Where did the two of you stand? Were you both friends? More than friends? Is she still going to target you at school and act as if nothing happened?

Reaching your locker you looked around your surroundings as you did every morning. You only do this out of paranoia that Heejin and her friends might sneak up on you without knowing. It was normally around these times that they'd find you and start teasing you around.

You saw that the halls were fairly empty and let out a sigh of relief while opening your locker to take out the books that you would need for the day. Shutting the locker you yelped in surprise seeing Heejin on the other side.

Clutching onto your chest, you took in deep breathes to calm yourself down from the scare, also taking notice that she was alone.

"H-Heejin? What are you doing here?" She smirked while resting her back against the other lockers coolly.

"I just wanted to...you know...see you and... talk to you before school started," This made you giggle, noticing how she had gone from the 'cool' Heejin to a completely awkward and flustered Heejin.

She blushed at this and reached for your hand. This caused you to blush in return at the action, feeling like a little kid hanging out with her crush.

Looking over her outfit, you couldn't help but appreciate the effortless beauty she was. She wore a simple white T with a black leather jacket and blue jeans. Nothing fancy, but still made your mind haywire.

"So just like that? We're on talking terms now?" you asked with a slight tease in your voice.

Her face only reddened even more at this, "Well, I mean yeah, after what happened last night I just wanted to get some clarification on where we stood..."

You had to give it to her, she seemed very committed to this. But you weren't sure if you were even completely ready for it.

"Uhm well I don't know where we stand..." there was still the matter of her friends targeting you that you also had to worry about, like how they would react to all of this.

Would they target you even more than before?

Although you harbored feelings for the latter from the very beginning, it was still hard for you to try and convey these feelings publicly, that is even if she wanted to be public.

Sensing  your hesitance and wanting to push you away from your doubtful feelings, Heejin continued.

"I was hoping we could go on a date if that's okay with you... I really want to get to know you, y/n"

You were shocked, to say the least, you really hadn't expected this from her. you just assumed she might've brushed off the kiss as some kind of mistake but here she was in front of you, asking you out on a date.

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