Please Don't (Yeri)

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Yeri: Hey can you meet up? I need to talk to you...

I looked at the message from my phone in worry and answered with shaky hands.

You: Sure. Where at?

I let out a shaky breath and headed towards the door to go meet up with Yeri. I could already feel all the nerves gathering up in my body as I got into my car. I reached out towards the keys and stopped halfway. It felt like my body wasn't prepared for what was coming.

Yeri and I have been in a secret relationship for the past two years ever since she told me her history with coming out to her family. Her family disapproved and it really discouraged her with our relationship but I continued to tell her I'd wait for her. I'd wait forever if I had to until she was comfortable and until she could face her parents head-on.

I loved the girl to death and the thought of losing her was unbearable. I just couldn't, she was the light in my life that kept me from losing myself to the darkness.

I finally touched the keys of the car and turned on the engine. I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the location yeri told me to meet her at.

The first time we ever met was at the beach, at one of the piers. It was in the middle of the night when I went out for a run so I found it strange when I saw someone out on the pier. I remember going up to her and felt confused when I saw her crying. I sat down next to her and did my best to make her feel better. Coming from a stranger, I wasn't sure if I was much help to her since I didn't know her at the time. Yet, after that, she had opened up to me about what happened between her and her family. We exchanged phone numbers and became very close afterward and soon started dating.

I parked the car in the parking lot and started walking towards the pier. As I walked, I couldn't stop myself from going over all the memories we shared and clinging onto them as if they'd slip away. I knew why she wanted to meet me today. A part of me was hoping that she was finally going to come out to everyone about our relationship, but then the thought of her ending our relationship outweighed that idea.

I reached the pier and saw her sitting on the bench at the end. I felt my heart beat more and more as the ocean winds whistled in my ear. I rubbed my arms up and down when I felt cold and forgot to bring a jacket.

She turned around when she heard me coming over to her. I sat down next to her and waited in silence for her to start talking. The waves crashing against the beach had filled in the tense atmosphere we had created by now.

She avoided eye-contact with me and seemed hesitant on how to start talking. After a minute or two, she looked up to meet my eyes and it was now that my heart seems to fully sink to my stomach. Her eyes were full of guilt and sorrow in the form of tears ready to spill.

"I'm engaged." She said.

I wanted to laugh when she said that, she couldn't be engaged. She couldn't could she? Was she having an affair..?

"It's an arranged marriage," She looked away from me to watch the ocean as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I looked away in disbelief. It just couldn't be real, this had to be some sort of nightmare. It had to.

She's not going to actually go through with this, is she? Did our relationship mean nothing to her? Why would she just throw it all away like that?

"And I asked you to come here to tell you that I love you and nothings going to change the way I feel about you," She met my eyes again and continued, "and to tell you my last goodbye."

I felt a warm liquid slip down my cheek, touching my lips. The salty taste that touched my tongue helped me realized that I had begun crying.

"Yeri, you can't do this. You can't just tell me to come here and tell me that this is the last of us. Does our relationship mean nothing to you?" I felt my throat tightening with each question as Yeri only starred back at me with eyes full of tears of her own.

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