Chapter Twenty-Five

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Let me just say, you guys got those comments to 10 fast xD on a sad note, i've been so busy with my dog because my mom threatened to give him away if i don't try harder. i'm already failing my classes because i'm always watching him and doing my homework but she doesn't see how hard i'm training him since i'm basically doing it on my own. *shrugs* so i cried last night and stuff... yeah.. like, before i got him, i used to feel so alone at home since everyone was either ignoring me or yelling at me and then i got him so it felt like i had a new friend around all the time since my mom would never let me go out and hang out with my friends. Everyone is going to see the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn part 2 and i can't even go. i can't remember the last time i hung out with my friends outside of school. it had to be about 2 months ago (and i mean actually leaving my house and going to theirs) so yeah, life sucks right now and i don't know how i'm going to frequently update since i have to clean the whole house while watching him. My mom doesn't really care if i flunk out of school. She's more of the woman that think that women should be a stay at home wife and not have a life. but enough of my sob story. here's the chapter. sorry if it sucks.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Gracie POV

I still had a week left before Robbie was supposed to come home. I'm about 7 months pregnant now and i was beginning to be huge. I could hardly sleep at night since Rachel would always be kicking me in my sleep. I took a video of it once because when i poked my stomach, she would kick where i poked and you could actually see her print through my belly. Let's not even get started on the frequent peeing and weird cravings. I've been craving chill chips and an egg/ham sandwich a lot but only from the resturant down the street. I've never even ate chill chips before until now and let me tell you, i'm not complaining.

Today would be my baby shower and i was really nervous about it. No one outside of my family has seen my stomach and the fact that mum invited some of my friends from school scared me. She literally told them that she would fly them out here and pay for their stay at a hotel. Way to show off how rich we are mother.

"Gracie," i heard her call from down the stairs. "You need to get ready."

"Mum, it's like 8 in the morning! They're not coming until later."

"Well, i wanted to show you the first part of your surprise but i guess you'll have to wait."

I groaned. "You know i hate surprises."

"And i know how curious you are now come on and get dressed so you can eat." I rolled my eyes, pulling the covers back and slowly getting up out of bed. 

Trudging to the bathroom, i stripped myself of my clothes, glad to have my own bathroom. The water stung my skin in a good way as it rinsed off all of my stress and got rid of the awful smell you get when you first wake up. I really just didn't feel like doing anything today. I just wanted to chill in a pair of Robbie's sweatpants and a huge shirt with some food and watch a movie. But of course that couldn't happen today.

I come back into my room seeing that mum had already set out today's clothes for me. It was a cute sweater dress and some nice boots. Mum has always been the fashionable one and I guess that's where i get it from. I slipped on some new knickers and the dress, slowly bending down to put on my socks and shoes. I couldn't reach to tie them though.

"Ugh... Darcy!"

"What happened?" She rushed into my room, her hair halfway straight. Darcy has always had beautiful milk chocolate curls like dad. I was always jealous of her hair because whatever she did with it it was just perfect. 

"Can you help me tie my shoes?"

She chuckled. "Of course." She stuck her comb in her hair before coming over to me and helping me with my shoes. "I can tell you're excited," she said sarcastically.

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