Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Niall POV

It's only been a week since Alex has told me that she was pregnant. I don't know how far along she is but i knew that she wasn't happy. When she would wake up in the morning, she just sat in bed looking depressed up at the ceiling. It upset me that she was only set on one child and i was set on at least two. I didn't know if i wanted more or not and in a way, i was hoping this one would help change Alex's mind.

One morning, i woke up and turned in the bed to face her. She was laying on her back in the same state as she always is. I sighed and traced some figures on her arm. "What's wrong," I asked as softly and caringly as i could.

She sighed loudly. "You know what's wrong."

"I know, but i want you to explain it more."

She turned to not look at me. "I don't want to explain it, Niall."

"So you think this is my fault." She never told me it was but i knew she was thinking that. I mean, it does take two to make a baby and me being caught up in the moment, i didn't use protection the last time we had sex and i didn't tell her. I knew i should've but i was hoping for this. "I really want this, Alex."

She sighed again, turning to face me. "I know you do, Niall. It's just that..." Her hazel eyes looked into my deep blue ones. "I just... don't feel ready for this one."

I pulled her to my chest and she nuzzled her head into my neck. "Why don't you feel ready, Princess?"

I felt her shrug. "I...I don't know. I just..." She groaned and i could feel something wet on my neck. She was crying.

"Shh," i cooed. "You don't have to cry."

"That's just it, i can't help it. I hate being pregnant." I kept in my chuckle. I knew her feelings were all over the place and she couldn't help it.

"I know, love," I said as i rubbed her back. "I'm sorry. But it's all going to be worth it in the end." She didn't say anything and i know i should keep it down on trying to get her to be as happy as i am. I mean, she's the one carrying the baby inside her, not me. I have to be more considerate on these types of things and here i am being excited and selfish. It's clear that she doesn't want it but it's too late to get rid of it now, not that i would have her kill it in the first place, even if she went behind my back.

"You're always so happy about everything," she said into my shoulder. "I would love it if you would share some of that happiness with me..."

"I do, all the time. It's in Taylor and it's in that thing you hate right now."

She chuckled. "I guess i should get up and make breakfast for Taylor."

I shook my head, pulling her back so i could see her face. "You lay here. I'll go make breakfast, okay?" I caressed her cheek and she nodded, leaning her head into my hand. I pulled her close and kissed her lightly, making sure to not have it lead to anything quite yet. It was a struggle being that it was hard to keep my hands off of her even though she's forever mine.

"That's hardly a kiss," she teased, the brightness returning to her eyes.

"There's my girl," i whispered on her lips. I kissed her with more pressure this time and i had to force myself away so i could make sure that Taylor is ready for school.

Aria POV

"Well good morning to you too," i said as Gracie came into the kitchen with boots, sweats and an oversized shirt on. She had her hair up in a messy bun on top of her head with strands coming out here and there.

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