Chapter Two

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Alex wrote this bit. Enjoy (:

Gracie POV

"Gracie." I heard a faint, but sort of rugged voice say my name. "Gracie, wake up!"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking for the voice. Aden was sitting on my bed, twiddling his thumbs. I must have fell asleep doing the floor routine. Sometimes i get so into it, it makes me feel tired. "Where's Mason?"

"He let you sleep. But he left you a note on your pillow." I got up and stumbled to my bed. Head rush was a killer. I slowly unfolded the note, being careful that i didn't rip it.


I hope you had a wonderful nap love. Sorry to leave you like this. I got a text that was quite strange. See you tomorrow.

Mason xx

"What is it?" Aden's voice startled me out of thought.

"Oh nothing really. Just an apology for leaving so soon." I stuck the note in my drawer and went to chanfe out of my ballet shoes. I just changed my whole attire. It was kind of chilly, so a tshirt and some sweatpants will do.

Harry came to my doorway and yawned. "What's for dinner? I'm practically starving."

I smiled. "Geez. You're getting to be just like Uncle Niall. Let me inspect the freezer and i'll tell you in a bit." He groaned and slugged down the hallway. "Stop being so cheeky, Prince Charming," I yelled down the hallway after him. Aden left the room chuckling and i went to make dinner.

Darcy was sitting in the kitchen sipping tea. "Dad decided to take dinner in his own hands,'' she said with a laugh. Confused, i looked around the kitchen for dinner. I looked back at my little sister and she pointed to the fridge. Inside was a bag from Nandos and a taco kit. Attatched to the bag was yet another note.


I knew Harry would want a little more than tacos, so i got Nandos for everyone also. I'm going to have to work on this dinner thing. Mum and I will be back bu 7:30 if you'd like to eat as a family.

Love always,

Dad xxxx

I smiled and put the note into my pocket. I'm feeling a family dinner.


"That's great. One more time." Aria sighed as our producer screeched through the microphone. 

I rubbed her shoulder. "A couple more minutes, babe." She looked back at me with tired eyes and nodded with a plastered smile.

"Just run the chorus and we'll call it a day...evening? Whatever." That microphone was in dire need of a tune up. That or our producer has had one too many cigarettes.

Only Aria was called in but i always went with her for back up and support. That, and i find the custodian quite creepy. She started to sing and i smiled with every word that left her mouth.

"Kiss me in the summertime under

Green trees and bright blue skies

I will never ever ever give you up.

Hearts beating till our time is up

You will never hear a lie

I'll be right here by your side

My Fake Family (A One Direction Story) {Book 3}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant