Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I've gotta say, it's been great writing this series and i'm sad to see it end. I just don't have anymore ideas for this series and also, i'm writing too many stories right now so i had to end something and it just happens that it's this story. Hope you guys continue to read all if not some of my other stories on here. (: Here's an update for the very last time.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Just breathe, Gracie," I said to myself over and over again. In a few minutes, i'll be married to the love of my life and the father of my child. How many people can say that? I know my mum and dad are one of those people and no one could even imagine them breaking up or anything. Same thing goes for Niall and Alex, Zayn and Affy, Liam and Sarah, and Louis and Eleanor. And now, i was about to be one of them. 

I knew i was going to miss being a Styles for the rest of my life so i decided to add on Robbie's last name to that. And what they say is right; once you get married, your whole life starts. All that stuff before then was just prep for this moment, and i would be lying if i didn't say i was scared shitless.

What if I trip going down the isle? What if i rip my dress? What if nothing goes right? What if... 

"Gracie?" The door opened behind me and i turned around. It was my father. "Oh, Gracie." He came over and kneeled down next to me. "You're going to do great."

"What if i mess up? What if i trip or can't even get the words out?" I felt a tear roll down my face.

He quickly wiped it away. "Just keep your eyes on him. It worked for your mum when she walked down the isle to me. And you know how clumsy she is." I giggled at that. He sighed. "You've grown up so fast, i still can't believe it.  I just wish i could keep you small forever." He rubbed my cheek. "But i know i can't."

"Don't you start crying," I said teasingly. I wiped his eyes with my hand. "I wish you could keep me too dad."

He smiled. "You'll do great. And you know i'm not going anywhere."

I nodded my head. "I know." 

He stood up. "Are you ready?"

I looked into the mirror at myself. Despite crying, my makeup still looked perfect and my hair was curled and pulled back except for some ringlets in the front of my face. My dress was gold colored and it flowed very nicely. Golden rosed sleeves hung low on my shoulder. I felt like a princess in this dress and i just couldn't believe this. I nodded. 

He extended his arm out for me to take. "Then let's get this started."

I chuckled. "You're only excited for the party."

He shrugged. "That's part of it. You know we love to party."

I nodded and smiled. "I know, i know." The music kept getting closer and i knew that i was getting closer to the next part of my life. I breathed in and out to keep me calm and keep my blood sugar from rising. 

We turned the corner and there he was, the one that stole my heart about 3 years ago. He looked amazing in this black tux and white shirt. I looked up at my dad and he pointed to  something which made me look in the same direction. And there, right in the front row was Lux. She wasn't much of a baby anymore being that she's a year younger than me. How they got her to come, i'll never know. I haven't seen her since i started school. I smiled at her and she just smiled back at me.

I turned my attention back to Robbie and he just smiled as wide as he could at me. He mouthed 'wow' to me and i could only blush. I was just getting closer and closer until i felt my dad stop in front of Robbie, making me stop.

"Treat her right," dad whispered as he handed me off to Robbie.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Robbie answered back. Dad kissed me on my cheek before taking a seat next to mum who was holding Damian on her lap. Darcy was standing next to me, being that she was one of my bride's maids and Harry was standing on the other side of James who was next to Robbie. I breathed in one more time before we turned to face the pastor who was marrying us.

"Family and Friends," he started. "We are gathered here today to witness something amazing; the joining of two of our own, Robbie Jennings and Gracie Styles. These two have aparently wrote some vows they would like to say to each other."

What? "Robbie," I whispered. "I didn't write anything. I didn't know i had to."

He smiled. "You didn't. But I wrote something for you."

"Now i'm going to look stupid." I lowered my head and pouted. The crowd had a chuckle.

He chuckled as well. "Don't worry, love. I just have a few things to tell you." He lifted up my head and i nodded, telling him to go on." Gracie, ever since Drama class, you have been nothing but nice to me. I guess we can thank your Aunt for that one." I smiled and turned to Aunt Affy who was smiling at me. "In all honesty, i've never met someone as beautiful as you in my lifetime. I'm sure that if my mum was still alive today, she would be proud of both of us, like Harry and Aria are. I go to sleep at night happy because i know that you're mine and no one else's. I love you so much, i never thought that it would hurt this much. Being away from you for that long period of time was the worst decision i've ever made but i'm happy that we're standing here now, about to get married and be happy for the rest of our lives. Of course, no marriage is perfect and there's going to be some bumpy parts but i know we're strong enough to get through it. You've been strong for so long and i just want to be strong for the both of us."

I blushed even more. "This would be the perfect time to kiss you but i know right now that would be frowned upon." The crowd chuckled again. And then it started from there. Vows were said and before i knew it, i was married to the best person i could think of and would rather spend the rest of my life with.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." This is it. "You may kiss the bride." FINALLY. I couldn't help it. I just jumped on him and kissed him. Cameras were going off but i didn't care. I was now Gracie Styles-Jennings. Of course that sounded weird for now and it was something to get used to but i couldn't be happier.

"You look so beautiful," Robbie said in my ear as we danced. 

I giggled. "You told me that so many times before we came here."

"Well, i cannot tell a lie. You need to know how beautiful you are to me, to everyone here. I just can't believe that you are actually, legally mine."

I nodded my head. "I know what you mean." So many tears were shed this day but they were happy tears. Mum was the one that was crying the most. The first one she raised was actually married and out of the house. She says it'll never get easier when Harry, Darcy leave soon and of course when it's time for Damian to leave. I know what that feeling is because now i have Rachel and i know that in about 16-18 years, she's going to be gone, getting some education in a school of her choice. 

I leaned up on my toes and kissed Robbie passionately as we danced to our favorite song, Last First Kiss from my dad's second album. I had to say, i've had a pretty good life so far and a family that i would just die for. I couldn't be happier with the life that i was blessed with thanks to My Fake Family.


Short, i know.

But that's the end of the book. 

Next is the epolouge and then that will be it.

I can tell you right now, you're going to be mad about how i end this whole book.

But... oh well.

Love you guys


My Fake Family (A One Direction Story) {Book 3}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin