Shutters P.O.V.

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i wrap my arm around her waist as her legs give out and she slumps forward, whimpering in pain. her skin felt hot under her shirt and blade was glaring at Jake, holding his injured hand.

"don't worry, shes only unconscious."Jake says, sighing and putting the needle back in his pocket. blade growls and Jake looks at him, unamused.

"what the fuck was that?" he asks and when Jake doesn't answer he says it louder. "what fuck was that? what happened to her? what was going on with her skin?" he yells and Jake sighs.

"its her power, here, put this on your hand and wrap it up and you'll be fine." Jake says throwing a flask full of a caramel colored  liquid in it. blade catches it with a glare and jay steps forward, pouring out  some of the liquid onto his hand and slathering onto blades.

blades hand looked angry and red and there were a few blisters forming on the top of the skin and he winces as jay rubs the stuff into his skin. i realize that I'm still holding ___ and i drop her, making sure to keep her head upright as i balance her against the wall roughly.

"well pick her up, we need to keep moving." Jake says once jay had wrapped up blades hand. jay looks at ___ and looks back at blade. 

"i'll get her." jay says, moving forward with a limp and picking her up bridle-style with a grunt. Jake starts walking and we all follow, wordlessly. i couldn't help hoping that jay would trip up and drop her. then that stupid nice part of my brain says 'she isn't that bad, she doesn't deserve to be treated like that.' and i scowl. immediately dismissing the thought, everyone deserves it, no matter who they are or how innocent they seem to be. jay stumbles and almost drops ___, going down on one knee before groaning.

"blade, get her... my legs cant-" jay says, trailing off. blade lifts up his injured hand and reply's.

"ill just drop her man, shutter will do it." he says, looking at me. i roll my eyes and shake my head. no way. shadow pushes my shoulder and i turn to look at him. he was to lightweight to be able to carry her for long and everyone else was injured, and i instantly knew that he wouldn't let me get away with pushing her off onto someone else so i groan.

i glare at shadow for a moment more but eventually walk over to jay and grab her arm, roughly dragging her dead weight upwards and slinging her arms over my shoulder before grabbing her legs and settling her weight against me.

"what are you guys doing back there?" Jake yells from down the tunnel and i nod at shadow as blade helps jay up and they all file past. i sigh, why did i have to carry her? not like i give a shit about her, we should just leave her and move on, she's just slowing us down.

i glance down at her face, so peaceful in the drugged sleep, she looked almost... pretty. i immediately look away and try to get the thought out of my head, talking to myself in my head. 'don't even think about it, don't you dare think like that again. you know the consequences for thinking stuff like that, it makes you weak' i think to myself shifting her around so i could carry her better.

she was absolutely still in my arms as i move her around, not even twitching when i hear her arm pop quietly. i sigh as i look back down at her, telling myself i was just checking to make sure she didn't dislocate her shoulder or anything. her skin was a pasty white and her hair hung down in dirty strings around her face, but she was still a sight to see. i cant imagine what she would look like in proper clothes with clean skin and- i cut my thoughts off quickly, berating myself for having weak thoughts again. 'i just need something to distract me from her' i think, glancing at the guys walking ahead.

we had been walking for a long time now and i could hear every ones stomachs gurgling for food. jay's limp seemed to be getting worse and even shadow, who was uninjured, was dragging his feet. all of them were completely exhausted and needed a brake. as if reading my mind Jake looks back and glances over the group.

"let take a break." Jake says, turning a corner and leading us to a small room that looked just the same as the rest of the tunnels and everyone immediately sits down with a universal sigh. i pause with ___ still in my arms as i wonder if i should find something for her to lay on. i shrug and dump her on the floor by the wall and move to the opposite side of the room and sitting down against the wall.

everyone, one by one, laid down and fell asleep, eventually leaving only me and Jake awake. Jake looks over everyone, his gaze lingering on me for a moment before moving on to jay who was curled up at ___'s feet. Jake snorts and walks away, leaving his bag behind.

i take the opportunity alone to allow myself to look over ___. trying to observe her mistakes and weak-points like i had when we battled, but all my brain could think up was 'she's really beautiful' i watch the curve of her shoulder rise and fall gently with her breathing. slowly, i feel my eyelids droop and i lean my head back against the wall allowing myself to take a break and sleep.

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