Part 5

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You land hard on your side and you roll to a stop, your shoulder aching. You quickly sit up and check your bow. It is looking a little dirty and worse for wear, but at least it’s not broken. You stand quickly and move towards the flag, limping a little.

You sense movement in the forest near the woods and you struggle to get your bow off of you. A guy walks out of the bushes and moves towards you slowly and threateningly. Almost as if he was daring you to take another step. His hair was a sandy blond curls framing his face, blood splattered over his face and clothes making him look more dangerous and scary.

Your arms drop the bow and reach down for your boot even as your brain is screaming at you to pick up the bow, your only defense. You see the guy moving towards you as your fingers fiddle with your boot. Your body straightens out and you notice a 4 inch blade in your hand. The blade and handle were both black and the handle was surrounded by a soft cloth, stitched together with blood red string.

“What are you going to do with that?” the guy says, smirking and stepping forwards again. He draws a sword from his belt, the sword already gleaming red with blood.

You feel a twinge inside you as you move your feet. You weren’t sure if the game controllers were helping you out, but it doesn’t feel like it, there were no tingles and it felt like you were moving yourself. You move your feet move through the grass like a feather, the guy smirked as you move towards him. He lifts the blade of the sword so it was level with your head and stepped forward. His feet touching the ground softly before lifting again as he moved, each step swift and gentle. His eyes were locked on you as you move around him, leaving space between you and him.

You should have been scared, but you weren’t, your brain was surprisingly calm and clear. Your feet eased over the grass slowly, your breathing sounding loud in the quiet clearing. Your eyes clearly find his weak points in his stance, you know that when he swings, it will tilt towards the left.

Just as you finish preparing yourself to move quickly and act upon his weakness, he lunges forward, sword slicing through the air, swift and deadly. You crouch and lean forward, propelling yourself forwards as you raise the dagger.

 He is quicker than you thought and he jumps out of the way just in time, sporting only a small cut as you find your feet instantly back under you, stopping your movement. you both pause and size each other up again. Suddenly he smiles, putting a hand against the cut you had given him and showing you the blood.

“This ought to be fun.” He says, wiping his hand off on his pants before gripping his sword. You bend your knees and fix your grip on the dagger in your hand. He lunges forward again, the blade shining in the light as you dodge.

That’s when it began, the dangerous dance between life and death. Your movements become swift and lethal as your body takes control, your mind slipping into some instinctive pattern of fighting. Your blade moves through the air, clashing with his briefly before moving away again, both of your blades moving through the air fast, rising and falling. You move forward as he pulls back, slashing the small dagger though the air. He brings his arms up, deflecting the blow. The sharp blade slips over the skin, peeling though the skin, blood seeping from the thin cut.

He pushes his sword forward, aiming for your head, you twist to the side and move back, your feet moving over the ground. You feel a sting in your side and see blood flowing from a small cut on your side. You glance back up at him and he smirks, raising his sword again.

You grit your teeth and raise your dagger and fix your grip, going into defensive. He lunges at you and you move to doge, but your foot slips and the metal of his sword lunges towards you, closer with every second. You try your hardest to twist out of the way but you only manage to get the sword off its target, your heart. The blade slices over your stomach, white hot pain flooding your mind as the hot metal of the blade slides along your skin.

You gasp and stumble away, putting your free hand on the wound, tears of pain pricking your eyes, as your chest heaves, your feet nearly buckling under you.

“Good try little girl.” The guy says, smirking. While he was congratulating himself you see your opportunity. You move in, the small knife aimed for his neck. You feel his flesh beneath the dagger and you think that was the end of it. But he pulls up his arm, instead making the blade leave a small cut on his neck and sinking into the flesh of his arm.

“Shit!” the guy says as you move back, holding your side again. He lifts his hand and swipes at the blood, glancing at you in slight amazement.

“That wasn’t very nice.” He says stepping closer with a sneer over his good looking face.

“What’s wrong? Angry that a girl can hurt you?” you sneer back, trying to hide the pain that was radiating through your body. The guy lifted his sword again, and you let go of your side, tensing, ready for the fight. Before he could lunge a voice came up from your right.

“Stop! This is my fight.” You turn your head slightly, instantly recognizing the voice even if you’ve only heard about 10 words from him. So cold and almost lifeless. You look at shutter and feel relief flood through you and you have the strange urge to hug him, but you stop yourself as you notice what he is wearing.

Blue shirt, black pants and a blue trimming on his black boots. All relief from earlier drains away, terror replacing it. he's not on your team, Shutter is going to kill you. He steps forward, narrowing his eyes slightly as he steps forward, sword raising in an easy move, looking effortless.

He smiles, sending absolute terror flooding into you, the smile radiating deadliness and pure evil pleasure. You could almost hear him fantasizing about his blade sinking into your flesh. You realized you were shaking and a nauseating feeling rises from your stomach.

You slip into a defensive stance even as you know you will never forget that smile. So cold and dangerous, cruel and cunning. It was like he could see your soul. Something flashed behind his eyes and you wince in fear, shutter smiles even wider before stepping forward.



so ima update now because i have a wake to go to and then i got to go to the funeral and i might not be on for a few days :/ sorry goodbye my lovelies! thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

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