Part 13

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“Get me out!” he shouts, his face twisting up. “It stinks!” Jake comes over and looks down at jay.

“Looks like you found the sewers.” Jake chuckles, looking around. By now everyone had stopped to see jay in his hole and the shouts of the guards could be heard somewhere close by. You try to scan through the area but the trees were too thick so you assumed that everything was safe, for the moment at least.

“What?! Gross! Get me out of here!” jay says, his voice raising in a whiny tone. You shush him and look around.

“No, stay. Everyone get in.” Jake says and looks around quickly.

“I am not getting in there” Colten’s friend Cullum says, disgust layering his voice as he takes a step away from the stinky hole.

“Fine.” Jake says shrugging. “Be dragged back to the psych ward, I don’t care.” He turns away from Cullum and looks at the rest of us. Shadow sighs and walks forward, groaning as he lowers himself into the water, his nose crinkling up as he catches a whiff of the water. Shutter growls from behind you, making you jump and turn slightly to find his face uncomfortably close to yours.

“Get in or move… now.” He growls, his hot breath spreading over your face. You step to the side without a word, shrugging when Colten shoots you a look. Shutter slides in beside shadow and everyone turns to blade.

“I don’t think I can do that.” Blade says but Jake shoves him and steps back as blade falls into the water, letting out a squeal before he hits the water.  Jake then looks at you and gestures to the dirty water.

“Well?” he says. You look down at the water, which comes up to everyone’s shoulders. You knew for a fact that everyone is much taller than you, it would probably be over your head. You sigh and move forward, standing at the edge for a moment before sliding into the water. You close your eyes and mouth and push yourself off the edge, your head going under. Your feet touch the bottom and you kick off, floating up where you try to tread the water and wipe off your face at the same time, making your head go under again.

You finally get water out of your eyes and tread the water, trying to breathe evenly. Jake jumps in and you go under again. You send him a pissed look and move back, bumping into several people before swimming forward again, bumping into Jake. ‘Well fuck’ you think just trying not to panic as blade mutters something. You accidentally kick someone and shutter growls at you. You try to shrug and your head goes under again, you come back up, gasping and you kick someone again.

“Stop that! Be quiet!” Jake whispers harshly from beside you. You glare at him, saying,

“I’m sorry! I’m too short!” you say, nearly going under again as you try to be more quiet. You feel an arm around your waist and you jump a little, feeling yourself being pulled sideways.

“Shh.” Shutter says, his lips brushing against your ear, sending shivers through your body. You stop paddling and you try to stay still, your breath coming faster than usual.

The sound of feet hitting the ground and people shouting gets louder and clearer. It gets to the point where you would have been able to make out individual words if they had been in the same language. You feel shutters arm tense around your waist as footsteps get a little too close.

After a few minutes of everyone holding their breath the footsteps and shouts get farther away, until you can barely hear the sounds. Jake pushes blade and blade climbs out onto a concrete ledge sighing and patting the ground.

“Ground” blade says happily. Shadow, Colten and jay climb out and Jake pushes shutter, making him pull you closer to him. You glance at him and see him giving Jake the death glare, pulling both you and himself out of his way. Jake climbs out and shutter looks at you, suddenly seeming to realize how closely pressed against him you were. His arm drops from around you and you go under, coming up spluttering and gasping for breath.

Jay reaches a hand down and helps you out and you squeeze the water out of your hair, sneaking a glance at shutter, who was sulking at the edge of the group. You shiver, suddenly aware of how cold the air was without his warmth, you blink and try to forget that thought ever popped into your brain.

“Back into the tunnels.” Someone mutters and you all silently agree.  Jake gets the group moving for around 20 minutes until he sighs, tired of putting up with the complaining.

“I know where a small cave is but, when I say small I mean it, we will have to get kind of close.” Jake says stalking off a little to the side of our original path. The group lets out a sigh of relief and follow after him, encouraged by the thought of sleep.

You reach the cave and everyone files in, the cave just wide enough to let all the guys lay down. You slide in the cave laying down on the ground, trying not to touch the person in front of you.

“Scoot over.” A gruff voice says from behind you, you turn and see shutter sitting on the ground behind you, jay still standing outside of the cave.

“Hey guys! Scoot up please!” you call out to the front of the cave. There are shuffling sounds and you scoot forward, allowing for just enough room for shutter and jay to lay down. You turn on your side, facing shutter and scoot back to give him more room. He scoots sideways and jay scoots over as well, getting jay completely out of the tunnel. You sigh and fix your arms so you could use them as a pillow. You fiddle around for a while until you hear an aggravated groan from in front of you.

“Will you stop moving?” shutter growls softly. Snores sound from further into the cave, drowning out your sigh.

“Sorry.” You say, still shifting around, trying to get comfortable. You hear shutter growl again and go still, you knuckle digging into your skull. You wait until shutters breathing slows and you think he is asleep before slowly shifting your arm again, muttering quietly to yourself as your hand hits the wall next to your head.

Shutter growls louder and you feel and arm go around your waist, lifting you up. You bite back a yelp as shutter scoots closer to you and lays you down on his chest. Sighing heavily, forcing your head to rest against his shoulder.

“Now shut up and go to sleep.” He growls quietly. You stay still until you hear his heartbeat slow and his breathing become even. When he starts snoring slightly you allow yourself to relax against him, closing your eyes and sighing once more before your mind goes blank as you wait for sleep.



hey guys! here are the days chapters! im going to a party today so i wanted to get them up as soon as possible, but anyways! i will have to next two chapters up tomorrow! thanks for reading! enjoy the story!

and with that, goodbye my lovelies                                                                                                                       goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the vampires bite ;-;

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