Part 19

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After the boys had gotten the marker off their faces you all sat down again and ate the bacon and eggs. You find out that the girl that brought you the clothes was called Ariella. You had also gotten some looks from the boys, they knew it was you, but you just keep eating and smiling innocently at them. You had just finished helping Sarah finish the dishes when you hear a car pulling up. Keith jumped out of his seat and looks out the window.

“No…” he then turned around. “The guards are here! Get out of here! Toby, take them down to the shed.” Keith ordered and started shooting you all orders. “Ariella, go on!” he ordered and pushed her towards the door.

“No! They won’t just walk away.” She says staying where she is. “Get them out of here!” Keith yells to Toby then turns to Ariella, they start arguing but Toby grabs your arms and pulls you out a back door.  Toby pulls you down a little path and shoves you inside a shed. You look at Toby and frown.

“What are the guards doing to her?” you say, glancing back as you run from the house.

“They took my sisters because they had powers. You see, mom told me that whenever she went into vanity’s room to wake her up in the morning she would be… floating.” Toby says and shakes his head.

“And Ariella can use fire. And I mean use it, control it, and randomly make a flame or whatever. But not in purpose, it happens randomly. She can control it properly

As if to confirm what Toby said you hear a strange sound and look out the door to see something in flames and some guards running away from the house? One guy jumps into a small lake which was outside cause his back was on fire. You hear shutter laugh and look up at him to glare at him. He simply shrugs and looks back around. Suddenly everything goes quiet.

You hear yelling and someone walks out of the house carrying Ariella in their arms and put her in the back of the truck. Sarah and Keith are yelling at them. Sarah was in tears, screaming and trying to get her daughter.

You were too caught up in the scene to see someone walking up the side of the house and towards you. You only realize when they were walking up to the side of the shed.

“Guard!” you hiss and shove everyone back, away from the door. Jay pulls you back out of the way and shoves you behind a hay bale along with Toby. Shutter pushes shadow down with you the looks at the others before pushing Colten down with you too.

The door opens and light floods into the shed. Shadow pulls you further out of view and moves Toby behind you.

“Come silently and you won’t be hurt-“the guy stopped as shutter lunged forward and smashed a shoves handle into the guy’s stomach. You move back further as the boys attack and hear people yelling and shouting.

You hear a huge crash and then after a minute of more fighting-which you can see because your behind a hay bale with shadow in front of you- you hear muffled bangs and hear someone hit the ground. The sound of fighting gets lower and you get worried.

“What do we have with this one?” says someone after the rest of the noises faded out.

“Leave him.” you hear people walking and a few grunts. The door closes and you sit there for a minute before emerging to find….

On the ground lay one of the boys. He was face down and something stuck out of his back, blood soaked into his shirt and he looked really pale. You instantly recognize who it was and gasp.



i know! i know! i haven't updated in forever and this poorly written, short, crappy, cliff-hanger of a chapter doesn't make up for it!!! im soooo sorry but things have been going kinda crazy and i have been doing a lot of favors for people on my other cite so i really haven't had time to do much of anything!!! im sorry and please forgive me!! i promise i will post the next chapter tomorrow and i will revise the heck out of it to make it as good as i can for you guys!! 

thank you for your patience and im soo sorry about this chapter... but somethings better than nothing right? anyways, thank you for reading hope you have been enjoying the story so far and hope you enjoy the rest of it!

and with that, goodbye my lovelies,                                                                                                           goodnight, sleep tight, dont let the vampires bite ;-;

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